A Scholarly Rebuttal to David W. Cloud’s Answering the Myths on the Bible Version Debate Introduction David W. Cloud’s arguments in this section of his book outline several myths and misconceptions he attributes to those who oppose King James Onlyism. However, several problems and flaws can be identified in both his logic and the way… Part 1: Introduction and Theological Foundations Chapter 1: Theological Presuppositions in Biblical Interpretation Chapter 2: The Role of Tradition and Authority in Interpretation Part 2: Burgon’s Critique of Modern Textual Criticism Chapter 3: The Critique of Westcott and Hort Chapter 4: Manuscripts and the Development of the Text Part 3: Calvinism, Reformed Theology, and Biblical… Is the King James Bible the only trustworthy translation, or is there more to the story? The debate over KJV-Onlyism and KJV-Preferred positions has sparked controversy for decades. At UK Apologetics Library, we take a critical approach—examining manuscript evidence, textual traditions, and historical context to provide a balanced and well-researched perspective. In this post, we… The Bible Project and the Gospel: A Cause for Concern? Introduction The Bible Project, founded by Dr. Tim Mackie, has gained widespread recognition for its visually engaging and accessible explanations of biblical themes. However, concerns arise when theological accuracy is compromised in the process. One such concern is the portrayal of Israel and the Church… Lennard Ravenhill has often been promoted by Paul Washer who has been partnering with Roman Catholic backed Martin Bucer Seminary The seminary is presided over by the virulent Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher. Schirrmacher is a premier ecumenical leader and a personal friend of Pope Francis. Once an ecumenical preacher now converting to Roman Catholicism, A session of the Basel Council, which took place between 1431 and 1449, during the Western schism, engraving, 1730. This year has been a difficult one for many, with a multitude of significant events unfolding. From the rise of the Millennial and Snowflake Generations to the ongoing challenges posed by Brexit, the looming crash of… To Shun or Not to Shun??? (Please note that the names mentioned in this article are not an endorsement of the individuals referred to here) Tyndale Bible, Romans 16:17“I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause division and give occasions of evil, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned: and avoid them.For they that… 1. Introduction: The Rise of Progressive Evangelicalism Current Trends in Evangelicalism: Describe how progressive evangelicalism has gained influence over the last decade. Contrast this with historical evangelicalism and explore why many churches have embraced progressive ideologies. Theological Shifts: Discuss the theological shifts from sola scriptura and sola fide towards a works-based faith. Include examples of… The Christian Foundation and the Mission Partnership: Leading Children Astray 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 (AKJV) “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; not in the lust of concupiscence.” As parents who…
A Scholarly Rebuttal to David W. Cloud’s Answering the Myths on the Bible Version Debate
Introduction and Theological Foundations
Critical Insights into KJV-Onlyism and the UK Apologetics Library’s Position
Is Tim Mackie’s Bible Project distorting the gospel and leading unsuspecting youth into serious error?
Paul Washer: Leading Others Astray Through Ecumenical Compromise
Francis Chan Furthering the Apostate Agenda
End Year Review 2018
End of Year Review for 2017
The Social Gospel and Seeker Friendly Christians, a Mandate that is Hostile to Christ and the scriptures.
MK Christian Foundation & the 30 Pieces of Silver behind their Childcare Pathways!
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