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We believe as the Apostle Paul stated by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, that the preaching of the Gospel is, “the power of God unto salvation, to the Jew first.”(Rom 1:16). The New Covenant that Jeremiah announced was first and foremost between God “with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah.” (Jer 31:31)
The preaching of the Gospel is meant to be to “every creature” (Mk 16:15) and that disciples were to be made of “All nations” (Mat 28:19-20) and the Jews are no exception to this.
While we support every endeavour to reach the Jews with the Gospel of the Messiah Jesus, we do not believe that this should be done at the cost of compromising this message with ecumenism. The Word of God, as written by Jesus’s Jewish disciples, clearly teaches us to withdraw from those that do not walk by the teachings of Christ and His Apostles:
“Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.” (2Th 3:6)
“But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat.” (1Cor 5:11)
The Holy Spirit has taught us to avoid even the smallest amount of compromise:
“A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” (1 Cor 5:6; Gal 5:9)
We pray that all who seek to obey Christ’s call to preach the Gospel to all (Jew and Gentile) be mindful of these things.
Below is the following information that underlines the ecumenical nature of Jews for Jesus.
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Jews for Jesus – London
and Roman Catholic friars wearing the grey habit of the Franciscan order. |
The Following names listed on the council of reference most that are listed are known ecumenists, Jews for Jesus is now part of a hub that promotes the protestant merging in with the Roman Catholic Church, the New Age Christianity, Postmodernism, and The Transformation Gospel.
Rev. Stephen Gaukroger, founder-director of Clarion Trust International, Former President of the (Baptist Union of Great Britain – Ecumenical )from 1994-95, currently on the Council of Management for Spring Harvest (Ecumenical) (where he also acts as Chairman of the Charitable Trust), chairs the Council of Reference for Open Doors and Jews for Jesus in the UK, also London 2013 Chairman – (Ecumenical) Under the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association also ecumenical.
Montagu Barker, emeritus consultant psychiatrist and the member of the executive committee of The Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. (Ecumenical) this has ecumenists who are members of Staff and has been an integral part of Edinburgh 2010, The Edinburgh 2010 General Council is made up of the following Members of the Edinburgh 2010 General Council, these are as follows.
Dr Des van der Water, Council for World Mission*
Rev. Canon Edgar Ruddock, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
Ms Jet den Hollander, World Alliance of Reformed Churches
Rev. Roger Schmidt, Lutheran World Federation
Mrs Rose Dowsett, World Evangelical Alliance*
Dr Cathy Ross, International Association for Mission Studies
Rev. Blair Carlson, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelisation* (Jews for Jesus also has involvement)
Ms Ruth Padilla-De Borst, Latin American Theological Fellowship*
Rev. Andrew Anderson, Church of Scotland*#
Dr Ganoune Diop, Seventh Day Adventist Church
Dr. Julie Ma, Asian Pentecostal Society*
Ms. Maria Aranzazu Aguado Arrese, Roman Catholic Church
Rev. John Kafwanka, Anglican Communion*
Prof. Petros Vassiliadis, Orthodox Churches
n/a Baptist World Alliance
Rev. Dr Jooseop Keum, World Council of Churches*
Prof. Joseph Otubu, African Independent Churches
Bishop Heinrich Bolleter, World Methodist Council
Rev. Michael Wallace, World Student Christian Federation*#
Femi Adeleye, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
* denotes member of the Executive Committee
# denotes Chairpersons
Richard Bewes, enlisted the services of ‘Jews for Jesus’ to launch a mission targeting the Jewish community on the High Holy Day of Rosh Hashanah, but had for a number of years sponsored the activities from the premises of the church, of an organisation training in the evangelistic targeting of Muslims, by ‘Brethren in Christ World Ministries’, with the specific remit of polemical, targeted proselytism of the British Muslim community.
Lyndon Bowring, Executive Chairman of CARE, who is an ecumenist, Chancellor for Regents Theological College Elim, He, has also been a minister for ten years at Kensington Temple, London, (whose congregation is one of the largest in Europe) which is a member of the Elim Pentecostal Church. He is a member of the Council of the Evangelical Alliance and is on the board of many Christian organisations, as well as a regular speaker at churches and conferences. Lyndon lives in London with his wife, Celia, Lyndon pays tribute to the life and work of Rev Dr John Stott an Anglican and then a Roman Catholic, who was a patron of CARE, Lyndon is also known for his involvement in Churches Together events, Lyndon is also chair of the Council of Management of Spring Harvest (Ecumenical). He is also on the Council of Reference for Through the Roof; this also includes Rev Steve Chalke, Mr Gerald Coates and Rev David Coffey.
Lyndon’s wife Celia Bowring is the European Board member for Jews for Jesus, who currently works as the prayer coordinator for CARE.
Clive Calver,
Gerold Coates,
Joel Edwards,
David Evans,
Roger Foster,
Faith Foster,
Ram Gidoomal,
Mark Greene,
David Harley,
Greg Haslem,
J John,
R.T Kendall,
Jonathan Lamb,
Peter Maiden,
Peter Meadows,
Amy Orr-Ewing,
J.I Packer,
Laurance Singlehurst.
Other Known ecumenists as listed as staff members.
J.I Packer – http://www.jewsforjesus.org/staff/ji-packer
John Piper – http://www.jewsforjesus.org/staff/john-piper
Tuvya Zaretsky (LCJE) –http://www.jewsforjesus.org /staff/tuvya-zaretsky
Susan Perlman (LCJE) – http://www.jewsforjesus.org /staff/susan-perlman
Jews for Jesus connection to the ecumenical LCJE
Theresa Newell – Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism (LCJE) North America Coordinator
Jews for Jesus website
[1] At an ecumenical luncheon I heard the rabbi of a local synagogue condemn your group for using Jewish religious symbols and giving them a Christological meaning.
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Version 3.8, Updated July, 1997
Tim DeRyan, Ed.
Updates to: directory@webs.win.net
Monthly updates posted since April, 1995 at The Catholic Internet Directory Site
Jews for Jesus: http://www.jews-for-jesus.org Rich Robinson, Webmaster: jfj@jews-for-jesus.org
“With the advent of computer telecommunications and what are known as computer participation systems, the Church is offered further means for fulfilling her mission. Methods of facilitating communication and dialogue among her own members can strengthen the bonds of unity between them. Immediate access to information makes it possible for her to deepen her dialogue with the contemporary world.”
— Pope John Paul II, World Communications Day, May 27, 1989
[3] Calvery Baptist Church Newsletter Calvery Contender.
JEWS FOR JESUS HAS NEW LEADER– Jews for Jesus founder Moishe Rosen stepped aside in May as executive director (8/96 Charisma). His successor is David Brickner, a graduate of Fuller and Moody. Jews for Jesus groups appear in liberal denom, charismatic, and new-evangelical pulpits.
[4] A Christians Evagelising Catholics website
Charismatic Catholics.
Chairman, Kevin Ranaghan (RC layman). Planning committee includes Lutheran, Baptist, Episcopalian, Catholic, Methodist, Orthodox. Included are Rev. Larry Christensen, Lutheran; Dr. David Stern, Jews for Jesus; Dr. Vinson Synan, Pentecostal Holiness Church. Among prominent guests: Dr. David duPlessis, Cardinal Leo Suenens, Ruth Carter Stapleton, Ralph Martin (R.C. lay leader of Word of God, Ann Arbor, MI), Maria von Trapp, Pat Robertson, Dr. J. Rodney Williams (Melodyland, Anaheim, CA) and Catherine Marshall.
[5] David Cloud writes on Charismatic ecumenism.
In days gone by multitudes of Bible-believers were tortured and martyred because they refused to accept Rome’s blasphemous mass. Today Pentecostal-Charismatic leaders call this same ritual “beautiful.”
Roman Catholic books dominated the literature sales areas. There were books on the mass, books about Mary worship, books about Mary shines such as Fatima and Lourdes, books by the Popes, books on the rosary. All sorts of Mary statues, rosaries, crucifixes, and medallions were on sale.
The final and most important messages of all three conferences were delivered by Roman Catholic priest Tom Forrest, and he acknowledged that he came from his office at the Vatican with instructions from “the holy father.” Yet he was welcomed as a man of God and a hero of the faith, and he literally brought the crowd to its feet in Indianapolis in 1990 when he proclaimed that the world must be evangelized by all denominations working together.
Some might be thinking, “Perhaps this Tom Forrest is one of those ‘evangelical Catholics’ I have been hearing about; perhaps he has rejected many of the Roman Catholic errors.” Let me explain how “evangelical” Forrest is.
He preached a message on evangelism at the Indianapolis conference in which he gloried in the Catholic distinctives. He praised God for the Pope. He praised God for Mary, the Queen of Heaven. He praised God for the Roman priesthood. He even praised God for purgatory!
In another message at Indianapolis ‘90, Forrest gave an illustration of how to evangelize. He said he walks through the streets of Rome praying a mystery of the rosary for every person he passes!
Friends, this is NOT Bible Christianity.
The list of leaders and organizations represented at these meetings reads like a who’s who of the Pentecostal-Charismatic world and even included many non-charismatic Evangelicals. Consider just a few: Charles Kraft and Peter Wagner of Fuller Seminary, Floyd McClung (Youth With A Mission), Oral and Richard Roberts, John Arnott, John Wimber (the Vineyard movement), Vinson Synan, Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland, Charles and Francis Hunter, Jack Hayford, Stephen Hill, John Kilpatrick, Steven Strang, Thomas Trask, Pat Robertson, Rick Joyner, Bob Mumford, Reinhard Bonnke, Carl Richardson, David Mainse, Jane Hansen (Women’s Aglow), Marilyn Hickey, Jamie Buckingham, Terry Law, Larry Lea, Michael Harper, Sheila Walsh, Russ Taff, Bob Weiner, E.V. Hill, The Gaithers, Peter Hocken, Demos Shakarian (Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International), James Robison, Anne Gimenez, CBN University, Every Home for Christ, Fuller Theological Seminary, Jews for Jesus, U.S. Center for World Mission, and Wycliffe Bible Translators.
Every individual and organization that participated in these congresses signed a unity statement that said in part: “We accept one another as brothers and sisters in our one Lord, Jesus Christ. … Among our churches, denominations, groups and ministries, there may have been times of tension, opposition and conflict. We wish to put these times behind us, by the grace of God. In view of the call we all have from the Lord to enter into this relationship for common work, we want to express our mutual personal respect and our respect for one another’s ministries” (New Orleans ‘87 General Congress Handbook).
[6] The Promise Keepers Pastors And Leadership Conference February 18-20, 2003
A Major Report by the ACCC (The American Council of Christian Churches) (*multi-denominational)
by Dr. Ralph G. Colas, Executive Secretary
While the earlier publicity had predicted 50,000 would be in attendance, only 9,000 showed up in Phoenix. The theme was “Come Near To Me.” This was the second-ever major clergy and leaders conference. In February of 1996, Promise Keepers held the largest clergy gathering in modern history, as 39,024 pastors, priests and ministers met at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia. But in Phoenix, Steve Chavis, Director of Advance Planning for Promise Keepers, said “We have no other clergy conference scheduled. In fact we are not getting into that again.”
It was in partnership with other ministries that this large gathering of pastors and leaders was made possible. Among those were: Alpha, Answers in Genesis, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Campus Crusade For Christ, Focus on the Family, Jews for Jesus, Mission America Coalition, World Vision, Seventh Day Adventists, National Association of Evangelicals, American Bible Society and the Abba Anointing Oil Company. NavPress gave a copy of “The Bible In Contemporary Language–THE MESSAGE” to everyone in attendance. It was prepared by Dr. Eugene Peterson, Professor Emeritus of Spiritual Theology at Regent College, in Vancouver, British Columbia.,Canada and recommended by Bill McCartney, Max Lucado, and Jack Hayford.
JEWS FOR JESUS’ RADICAL ECUMENISM (Friday Church News Notes, January 19, 2007, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) – Recently when I asked readers for suggestions about Jewish ministries that are likeminded with our own doctrinal position, I was amazed that a few people replied with Jews for Jesus. Whatever this organization is, it is not a fundamentalist group by any stretch of the imagination and I am sure they would readily admit it. Jews for Jesus participated in the first ecumenical conference that I attended with press credentials. It was New Orleans ’87. There were about 35,000 people in attendance representing some 40 denominations, and one-half were Roman Catholics. Many of the speakers were Catholic priests and nuns and a priest named Tom Forrest delivered the closing message. I learned at a press conference that the ministries that participated were required to sign an ecumenical statement agreeing to get along with all of the other participants. One of the pictures I took was a shot of a Catholic priest carrying a Jews for Jesus bag. “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them” (Romans 16:17). A ministry to the Jews that is likeminded with our own position is Hope of Israel Baptist Mission, a ministry of Victory Baptist Church, Cumming, Georgia, http://www.hopeofisrael.net.
Jews for Jesus Thanking Mel Gibson a Sedevacantist this can be seen at after the 1:20 min mark video below.
[8] So how can anyone be blamed for the death of a person who is in fact alive? Messiah’s willing sacrifice and resurrection bring hope to a world that is desperately in need of some good news. Jesus stands ready to be our helper and redeemer and friend! Not everyone wants to hear that. Maybe they’ve never read the records of his life for themselves. Or maybe they’ve heard things about Jesus that are wrong. Whatever the case, I just want to tell you to hang in there, Mel. There are lots of us Jewish people who are grateful that you made this film. Because of “The Passion,” this important topic is being discussed passionately–and that’s a good thing.
They praise Mel, God would be displeased with the passion because of its inaccuracies, portraying Christ in a false way this film dose not uphold doctrinal purity…..
Stephen Katz, director of D.C.’s branch of Jews for Jesus was a guest speaker listed in the program for the Messiah ’99 conference and shared the platform with Rick Joyner who is now a member and serves the Knights of Malta.
Hegewisch Baptist Church reports:
In July of 1999, the Messianic Jewish Association of America [MJAA] sponsored the Messiah’99 conference in conjunction with the Young Messianic Jewish Alliance [YMJA] and the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues. The conference speakers included Rick Joyner of MorningStar Ministries, Stephen Strang (has involvement with the promise keepers), editor of Charisma Magazine and Stephen Katz, a recruiter for Jews for Jesus. Rick Joyner’s prophecy revealed the divine plan for a “Revolution in the Church” and the need for Messianic Jews to help reform the Church.
Messiah ‘99: I believe if you become like the Church something is lost. Listen, there’s a whole lot that the Church, believe me, I really believe there must be a revolution. I don’t believe the Church is anything close to what we’re called to be either. I’m speaking as a member of the Church. I believe I have the right to say that. There is a revolution going on in the Church too. Believe me something awesome is taking place. There are rumblings going on. I mean there’s one thing to have a revival and that’s wonderful. But we’re talking about a revolution. We’re talking about the Reformation isn’t over. The Reforming. I believe it’s just beginning in many ways. And you know what? We can look and say it took 500 years for the Reformation to do this much and that isn’t much.
When Rick Joyner initially prophesied a Revolution in the Church, he spoke of dismantling present Church structures. However, [we assume] God had not yet revealed to him the nature of this revolution and the course it would take, or what the Church would become in the aftermath. Now, it has pleased God to make that direction clear to his prophet, Joyner, who has confided his vision of the New Church and how to get there to the assembly of Messianic Jews. Not privy to the heavenly revelations received by the anointed company of the modern prophets, the average Christian is left to speculate as to the nature of the New Church. However, there are important clues scattered along the path of the various movements afoot indicating what we may expect, as well as the drastic measures that will be taken to move the sheep out of their comfortable pasture onto an unfamiliar terrain. This series of reports will examine the seemingly varied and diverse heretical streams on the Christian landscape and locate the final point where, incredibly, all will converge in a religious system that represents the IDEAL of each one.
[1] http://www.jewsforjesus.org.uk/AboutUsPages/F AQ_pages/FAQ_How2.html
[2] http://www.catholic-church.org/cid/ecumenicallinks.html
[3] http://home.hiwaay.net/~contendr/1996/8-15-96.html
[4] http://www.angelfire.com/ky/dodone/Charismaticcath.html
[5] http://www.wayoflife.org/fbns/pentecostal-charis-ecumenism.html
[6] http://www.amcouncilcc.org/article_detail.asp?ArtKey=pk
[7] http://www.wayoflife.org/fbns/fridaynews/news/2007
[8] http://www.cbn.com/spirituallife/BibleStudyAndTheology
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