
Hope Together 2014 – Prayer that leads to apostasy.
UK Apologetic’s Library is not against prayer as we as a ministry do practice prayer, we are simply showing here there are clear scriptural principles that are not being followed.
1 Cor 5:11 But I now have written unto you not to keep company with any man who is called a brother if he is a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner. With such a one you are not even to eat.
Many evangelicals and Pentecostals today considers roman Catholics to be their brothers in Christ this was never originally the case, we are told not to keep company with the following but I want to specifically focus on the word Idolater, if these people are born again as we are led to believe we cannot associate with practicing unrepentant roman Catholics for the reason that Roman Catholicism does practice idolatry.
The Catholic Charismatics see that absolute worship and adoration of the species of bread alone is necessary for salvation the RCC will only change its approach to make the Mass palatable but not the teaching or practice because of the Dogma.
[1] The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Christ is actually present on the altar in the sacrifice of the Mass, when a priest consecrates bread and wine to become the body and blood of Jesus. Critics of the charismatic movement argue that such practices as faith healing draw attention away from the Mass and the communion with Christ that takes place therein.
Roman Catholic Catechism no.1378: Worship of the Eucharist. In the liturgy of the Mass we express our faith in the real presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine by, among other ways, genuflecting or bowing deeply as a sign of adoration of the Lord. … reserving the consecrated hosts with the utmost care, exposing them to the solemn veneration of the faithful, and carrying them in procession.
The question remains is there a biblical basis for such dogma?
By what scriptural grounds does the Roman Catholic Church make the claim that the soul and divinity of our Lord is present in the Eucharist (the bread and the wine)? This is nothing more than blatant heresy contrary to what we read in Holy Scripture. Christ taught us to commemorate His death only in memory, nothing more. His death and resurrection celebrated within Holy communion was symbolic only. Anything other than this is simply carnality of mind (Luke 22:19).
Where does any scriptural text explicitly make the claim the substance of the Bread and the Wine changes into anything? There is no justification for any such teaching of this kind. Insted it was devised through the doctrine of men.
In the doctrine of Hypostatic Union, Rome teaches the union of Christ’s humanity and divinity in one hypostasism. The humanity and divinity of Christ are made one according to nature and hypostasis in the Logos. Because the bread and the wine becomes the person of Jesus Christ in substance, this means the bread and the wine becomes God after it has been Transubstantiated. Literally our Lord is present in the Eucharist.
According to Continetur totum corpus Christi scilicet ossa, nervi, et alia. Thos Aquin., summa, tom. Iii, 2, 76, words written in Dens, theol. Tom v. p 276, and in the Tridentine Catechism pt. ii, sec. xxx. De Euchar. Sacr., the entire and whole of Christ is contained in the Eucharist, even the bones and the sinews.
They state it is the same body that was crucified, was buried, rose again and ascended into heaven, which is present in the sacrament under the ‘appearance’ of bread and wine. And so from the doctrine of the Hypostatic Union they add, ‘also his soul and divinity’.
St John Chrysostom wrote a letter to a monk named Caesarius, which can be found in Migne’s Edition Vol iii p 758. In it he describes the process of transformation of the bread and wine.
This only exists in Latin with a few fragments of the original stating “Sicut enim antequam sanctificetur panis, panem nominamus, divina autem illum sanctificante gratia, mediante sacerdote, liberates est quidem appellation panis : dignus autem habitus dominici corporis appelatoine, eliamsi natura panis inipso permansit, et non duo corpora sed unum Corpus Filii praedicamus.’ “
Translation; ‘For as before the bread is hallowed, we can call it bread; yet, when hallowed by Divine grace through the meditation of the priest, it is released from that name, and is deemed worthy to be called the Lord’s body, although the nature of bread has remained in it, and so we do not speak of the two bodies of the Son, but of one body.’ Or the nature of the bread and the wine not to exist.
Regarding the doctrine of transubstantiation, we never read any of these practices in the early church nor do we read about this anywhere in the scripture, the bread and the wine does not change in substance it remains the same. In my view this is mere superstition that is rooted in Babylonian Mystery Religions.
For a full study of the mass please goto: http://ukapologeticslibrary.net/romes-doctrine-of-transubstantiation-refuted/
“HOPE’s prayer countdown to 2014 starts on 18 October and runs through to 31 January 2014. Thanks to UCB, who have published this resource, more than a million copies of this specially-written prayer calendar are being distributed in print and online by HOPE’s partners. The prayers, contributed by a dozen HOPE partners, are also available as a Word document for you to add to local prayer calendars and parish magazine prayer diaries.”
When it is stated Join with us, us being Anglo-Catholic, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholic Charismatics, Lutheran, Methodist and so on by following after another Christ this is what Rome represents we have a problem, this practice with in the method of prayer is contrary to our Lords instructions, concerning contamination from other belief systems and so we are to remain separate from those who propagate another Gospel.
Praying in unity with the RCC will only eventually lead us to the very fundamentals of Roman Catholicism itself, Vatican II council writings states, under sharing in prayer and worship:
“At the level of the local churches the Holy spirit and that “change of heart and holiness of life which, along with public and private prayer for the unity of Christians, would be regarded as the soul of the whole ecumenical movement”. Many forms of this “spiritual ecumenism” are emerging today in prayer groups in which members of various confessions.
The Church of Rome wants to move us away from the word of God and go beyond biblical exegesis not keeping in context with scripture because Rome does not believe we can hold to scripture alone and so we need tradition that will accompany the word of God so we can live by Gods word,
This states: [2] WCC “At the very heart of the ecumenical movement is the reality of prayer. Jesus prayed that we may all be one, united in God in the mystery of the Trinity. That is the basis and the goal of our search for unity.”
What is the mystery of the trinity Catholic Online teaches that “the mystery of the trinity is about the Catholic Eucharist, [3] “The Blessed Trinity is one God with three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”. The Bishop could not hear her answer, so he said: “Speak up, I can’t understand you”. The girl turned to the Bishop and said: “You can’t understand, it is a mystery”.
When we look upon God as a communion of persons, we comprehend the image of God stamped into all of existence. Human nature, marriage, the family, human society and the Church are all icons of the Triune God who is a communion of three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Man is a communion because man has been created as male and female. Adam is not complete until the creation of Eve. Pope John Paul II affirmed that “man becomes an image of God not so much in the moment of solitude as in the moment of communion” (Theology of the Body, John Paul II, p. 163)
The marriage of man and woman is defined as an “intimate community of life and love” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1603). The intimate life of married spouses is an image of the interior life of the Blessed Trinity. “Authentic married love is caught up into divine love.” (Gaudium et spes, Vatican II, 48). Moreover, the sacrament of Matrimony can be considered as the prototype of all of the sacraments “because all of the sacraments draw their essential significance and their sacramental power from the spousal love of Christ the Redeemer” (The Theology of the Body Explained, Christopher West, p. 362).
Finally, the family, human society, and of course the Church are, in essence, communities or communions.
As a practical application of these fundamental truths, I would like us to focus our attention this week on our community life within the parish family. Each parish is a living community of the Universal Church. Pope Benedict says that “the Church is Eucharistic fellowship” (God is Near Us, p. 115). I find these words to be quite significant because they indicate that it is not enough just to go to Sunday Mass as a private spectator. Each parish is a community or communion of believers. As living members of the parish family, we are called not only to worship, but to participate in the community life of the parish. The parish is our church family.
“Faith is a personal act – the free response of the human person to the initiative of God who reveals himself. But faith is not an isolated act. No one can believe alone, just as no one can live alone. You have not given yourself faith as you have not given yourself life. The believer has received faith from others and should hand it on to others. Our love for Jesus and for our neighbor impels us to speak to others about our faith. Each believer is thus a link in a great chain of believers. I cannot believe without being carried by the faith of others, and by my faith I help support others in the faith” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 166).
I firmly believe that after every Eucharistic Celebration, whenever possible, there should always be some kind of fellowship activity. Moreover, sprinkled throughout the liturgical year, there should be well organized parish family life activities that provide an opportunity for the entire community to come together for fellowship.”
The exocise is based on a false foundation this is actually designed to decieve and lead astry because people tend to place value on good works they attibute to faith, rather then faith that attibutes a person to do good words, the world will always place good works over salvation through faith alone in Christ.
We must never allow ourselves to be entangled with the cares of this world unless the truth of God be chocked out as this is exactly what is happening though Hope 2014.
This who exocise comes under is missional ecumenism. Matt Maher a Roman Catholic explains “It’s ecumenism ordered around developing understanding in the middle of a common work together.
Ecumenism is Emmaus. To me, Emmaus is the model for evangelization, but it’s also a model for ecumenism. Emmaus was when two people were walking together on “The Way” and Jesus encounters them. And as early Christians, we were known as “the people of the Way”. So as Christians together, we’re really about The Way.”
This is nothing more then Contemplative Worship this is rooted in Catholic Mysticism, The Emmaus Walk was developed out of Cursillo in conjunction with the US Ecumenical Methodist Cursillo. It is estimated that over half a million persons have experienced a Walk to Emmaus weekend and today the Movement counts more than 300 communities distributed all over the United States as well as in Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominicana, England, Estonia, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Jamaica, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Puerto Rico, Saint Vincent, Singapore, South Africa, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland and Trinidad And Tobago.
The move towards Contemplative Spirituality and Mysticism
In churches world-wide people have been seeking an experience of God. In recent years this has been manifested in a growing interest in Contemplative Spirituality and Mysticism. In the book, Mysticism-The Experience of the Divine (Pub. 1994, Chronicle Books, S. Francisco CA) the Mystic experience is defined as “The experience of union with the divine or transcendent.”
This has drawn people to the writings and experiences of Catholic Mystics such as; Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Therese Liseaux, Saint Edith Stein, St. Joseph Cupertino, St. Francis of Assisi, Julian of Norwich amongst others. New forms of expression, music and liturgy have been developed. All this has been drawing people into Ecumenical Unity and, in a number of cases, full assimilation into the RCC! If we look at some of the Anglican churches that have espoused Cursillo we can note that they also espouse other forms of spirituality such as; Labyrinth, Centering Prayer, Christian Yoga, Julian Gatherings as well as Taize Worship & Prayer.
This is what is being promoted through Hope Together, one such feature is the Occult Labyrinth.
If you have read this I would urge you to reconsider your involvement with Hope Together.
Miguel Hayworth 4/1/2014
[1] Wiki Catholic Charasmatics
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