Founders, Supporters and Partners being Spiritual Prostitutes for Hope 2008.
The Founders
Ecumenical Andy Hawthorne – One of the founders of Hope 2008.Who is he, Andy is the Director of The Message Trust – which has birthed The Tribe; EDEN; the Xcelerate evangelist training school; Andy is also a popular conference speaker at Spring Harvest, Soul Survivor, New Wine, Stoneleigh, Easter People and many more.The Tribe, formerly the World Wide Message Tribe (WWMT), were a British Christian dance band.Their aim was to “to communicate the gospel to young people in Greater Manchester”. They were part of the Christian charity, “The Message”, which is famous for its Eden projects in Manchester.
Debra Green(Ivy Cottage and Citylinks) along with Andy Hawthorne (the Message) both went to York on Monday and spoke at a networking morning hosted by ‘One Voice York’. There were around 40 church leaders there & a team of intercessors. Ref |
Mike Pilavachi – Ecumenical organization (Soul Survivors) one of the founders of Hope 2008.“Hope in 2008 provides an amazing opportunity for all Christians to work together and make a huge impact on this nation. My hope and prayer is that through representing Jesus in words and in deeds we can see lives transformed and bring lasting change”Examination of Mike PilavachiWho are the spiritual heroes that have particularly influenced you most ?
Not in any order – John Wimber, who was by no means perfect as a person and yet in his imperfection and his weaknesses he had a boldness and he carried something powerful. I hope I can emulate the generosity, warmth, humility and encouragement of David Pytches, who is my spiritual father, and bring that to others. What was the fruit of ‘Soul in the City’ in London during July, 2004? We learned what can happen when God’s people come together. We had 770 partner churches, 30 per cent of which were black majority churches. A number of large churches were involved: Holy Trinity Brompton, Kensington Temple, All Souls Langham Place and others. |
Roy Crowne (Youth For Christ) – Ecumenical, Inter-faith one of the founders of Hope 2008.“This initiative has the potential to be a catalyst, not just for one year. My dream would be that it sees a movement of word and deed evangelism which would transform lives, families and communities. Building on what has gone before, it seems as if the time is right and ripe for multiplication. Therefore, with faith, love and HOPE let’s have the confidence and courage to go for it together”About Youth for Christ.British Youth for Christ was started in 1946 by Compromiser and apostate Dr Billy Graham, they have almost 60 local centres across the country – from the Shetlands in the north of Scotland, down to the Isle of Wight, and across to Wales.
Background. Established in 1944, it has more than 225 chapters across the U.S.; Youth for Christ/International (YFCI) is represented in 127 countries — 65 chartered chapters and 62 pioneering chapters. YFC has over 800 full-time employees and over 11,000 volunteers who work with students. YFC claims to work directly with 56,000 students, but to have “touched” the lives of over 600,000 in 1994 alone, with 31,000 coming “to know Christ.” It has always been ecumenical (Billy Graham was YFC’s first paid employee and became one of YFC’s early leaders), but in its earlier years it did take a stand somewhat against Romanism. In the 1940s, for example, Youth for Christ rented a plane and “bombed” the Vatican with gospel tracts (James Hefley, “How I Lost my Protestant Prejudice,” Eternity, Nov. 1971)! Quote “Youth for Christ has since become reconciled with Rome and is given over to the most radical form of ecumenism. As early as 1971, YFC had a Catholic nun on its full-time staff in Rochester, New York. Since the early 1970s, YFC has joined Roman Catholics in ecumenical meetings throughout the world.” “Sam Wolgemuth represented Youth for Christ International on the Central Committee of the ecumenical Key ’73, which had strong participation by Roman Catholic leaders and laymen (Flirting With Rome: Key Men and Organizations, Way of Life Literature, pp. 46-47). Another example of YFC’s ecumenical activities is seen in its participation in the Evangelical and Ecumenical Conference for Clergy and Laity in 1983. Together with the Roman Catholic diocese of San Diego, the Salvation Army, and other organizations, the San Diego Youth for Christ co-sponsored this meeting (Foundation,Vol. IV, Iss. II, 1983).” “Youth for Christ has supported many Luis Palau crusades. Palau has honored Soviet atheistic churchmen, endorsed the unreliable Living Bible, spoken at Oral Roberts University and Moody Bible Institute, and his ecumenical evangelism campaigns have involved Roman Catholics, charismatics, liberals, and new evangelicals. (His messages are also heavily diluted with pop psychology and Arminian easy-believism.) The 1993 Palau Crusade in Jamaica featured this note in a 1/31 newspaper ad: “The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kingston gives wholehearted support in mobilizing its members to participate in the National Crusade 1993. This venture is seen by us as an important event in the spreading of the Gospel in an ecumenical manner.” “On 1/11/92, British Youth for Christ sponsored an appearance by neo-evangelical Tony Campolo. But merely calling Campolo a neo-evangelical is being much to kind. Campolo is a theological liberal and a radical political socialist whose teachings are heretical at best and blasphemous at worst! At this meeting, Campolo’s message was one of works salvation, New Age pantheism, and social action. Campolo even had praise for New Age psychologist M. Scott Peck. (See BDM’s report on Tony Campolo for more details of this speech.” |
Leaders of Hope 08 | |
Steve Clifford of Pioneer – Ecumenical one of the Leaders of Hope 2008.What is Pioneer ?Pioneer is known as the National Churches Forum, the National Churches Forum is “Connecting, releasing and resourcing teams and churches for building strong vibrant communities of faith to reach the nations.”The National Churches Forum will initially be facilitated by Billy and Caroline Kennedy and its membership currently includes Andy Au, Steve Clifford, Gerald Coates, Phil Collins, Dave Day, Chris Forster, Pete Gilbert, Adrian Hawkes, Christine Noble, John Noble, Tony Pullin, Andy Read, and Linda Ward. (Other invitations are currently being considered.)
Steve Clifford – Also was the International Chair of March for Jesus. March for Jesus failed just as the Jim Challenge did. Electronic, ecumenical news from Churches Together in England “Steve Clifford, Chair of Hope 2008, says: ‘HOPE ’08 is so grateful to the Christian Enquiry Agency and to Church Army for rising to the challenge of providing a quality, credible site where those of no or little faith can explore HOPE. It’s such a brilliant theme and we can, with confidence, direct people to this site so they have an opportunity to explore it.’ Another dimension of the project is a letter going to residents of 3,000 households across the nation living on ‘Hope Street’. David Coleman of Church Army explains: ‘What better way for us to try to connect with people on the theme of hope than to engage the thousands of people who live on Hope Streets across the country in conversation – asking them what their hopes are.’ Responses will be posted on the website and so form part of the ongoing conversation.” |
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Ian Chisnall the Coordinator of ‘Hope 2008’ – Ecumenical one of the Leaders of Hope 2008.
Also Mission & Unity Coordinator / Ecumenical Officer at Churches Together in Sussex and has 58 connections. |
Paul Bayes National Mission & Evangelism Adviser, Archbishops’ Council – Ecumenical one of the Leaders of Hope 2008.
told the conference that the report suggests that “our society is changing rapidly and we need to review the way we ‘do church’.” As his partner The Revd Steve Pittis, Diocesan Director of Faith Development, said: “As society changes including the replacement of traditional concepts of relationships based on geography to ones based on networks relating to work or leisure activities, then we have to look at how the church and how it connects to people.” |
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Matt Bird of Make It Happen UK – Ecumenical one of the Leaders of Hope 2008. Matt Bird is Managing Director of Make It* Happen which is well known for its innovation, relationships and results. Make It* Happen has a ten year track record with over one hundred charitable and commercial clients including: British Red Cross, Tearfund, Hodder & Stoughton, Soul Survivor, Romance Academy, Prospects, The Children’s Society, Missing People, YMCA Training, Metropolitan Police Service, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, HSBC, BHP Billiton and Manches.
Eustace Constance of Southwark Street Pastors. – Ecumenical one of the Leaders of Hope 2008.
Inspector Simon Smith from Southwark Police puts their success down to: “their ability to communicate to the community. They’re able to engage and divert people and – because they are independent – there are none of the barriers that people might associate with the police or social services. I admire what they do.”(these people mix truth with error, Yet Jesus said the world will hate you because of me.) |
Rob Cotton of Bible Society – Ecumenical one of the Leaders of Hope 2008.
Methodist MinisterKnutsford Methodist Church– Present (3 years 1 month)Knutsford in Cheshire. The Manchester District Church Relations and Volunteers ManagerBible Society– Present (3 years 8 months)Swindon, United Kingdom Developing relationships with Church Leaders, Churches and Individual supporters through sharing about the work of Bible Society at Leaders Events and Vision Events. This is prior to moving back into local church ministry in September. Biblefresh Network ManagerEvangelical Alliance UK– Present (6 years 8 months) A multi agency campaign to re engage people with the Bible using the year 2011 (400th anniversary of the King James Version) as a focus. Senior Campaign Manager/ Methodist MinisterBible Society– (8 years) Managing Campaigns in Bristol and Greater Manchester, before developing nationwide campaigns in collaboration with other agencies such as Hope 08 and Biblefresh (400th Anniversary Celebration of the King James Bible) Network ManagerEvangelical Alliance UK– (1 year) Methodist MinisterArnold Methodist Church– (8 years) I was involved in renewal and community projects partnering with the Council, Local Area Forum, Youth Service, Police and Churches Together. |
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Sarah Davis of Youth For Christ – Ecumenical, Inter-faith one of the Leaders of Hope 2008.Sarah Davis of Youth for Christ (YFC) says, ‘Why not use sport to reach people with the love of Jesus where they’re at? If you love sport you can join a team and play regularly with other people. As you chat to someone about Jesus, kicking a ball about can take some of the pressure and formality out of that kind of conversation’. |
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Jane Holloway of the World Prayer Center (Birmingham) – one of the Leaders of Hope 2008.About
The World Prayer Center – As the Church begins to strategies and think globally, so we must pray globally. |
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Martin Kavanagh, of the World Harvest Bible Church – One of the Leaders of Hope 2008.
World Harvest Bible Church associated wth Rhema Bible Training Centre this is ran by Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Word of Faith. |
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Ali Martin of Soul Survivor – One of the Leaders of Hope 2008.
Ali Martin is part of the Leadership Team at Soul Survivor and its associated church Soul Survivor Watford. |
Laurence Singlehurst of Cell UK – Ecumenical, Inter-faith one of the Leaders of Hope 2008.
Initiated by Laurence Singlehurst in partnership with YWAM, Cell UK Ministries and supported by Lynn Green – Youth With A Mission, Rev. John S Smith – UK, Director of Evangelical Alliance, Gerald Coates – Pioneer, Roger Ellis – Revelation Church and Fusion, and Matt Bird MBA – Director of Joshua Generation. Laurence Singlehurst: is a YWAMer and also Director of Cell UK Ministries. His particular passion is equipping churches in how to reach their communities with an emphasis on network evangelism which is empowered by cell church structures. He’s also the author of: “Evangelism Toolkit”, “Sowing Reaping Keeping”, “Loving the Lost—the principles and practice of Cell Church”, “Beyond the Clouds”; co-author of “Cell It” and “Evangelism Through Cells”. He is married to Ailish and has three children: Kiera, Justyn and Laura. |
Board of Reference
The UK Goverment Supporters
Board of Reference
The Police
Board of Reference
Religous Leaders
Most Rev Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, Pro-Homosexual, Pro-freemason and a Druid.
‘Christians have to learn how to give an absolutely clear answer to the question, “why is this good news?”. Now, with Hope08, this vision is being extended, with great boldness to the whole country – and even more widely.’ Dr Rowan Williams becomes an Eisteddfod ‘druid’ The new Archbishop of Canterbury has been inducted as a druid in a centuries-old Celtic ceremony. Dr Williams became a member of the highest of the three orders of the Gorsedd of Bards – a 1,300-strong circle of Wales’ key cultural contributors – in a ceremony at this year’s National Eisteddfod celebration of Welsh culture in St Davids, Pembrokeshire. Dr Williams, 52, wore a long white cloak without any headdress as he arrived at the back of the procession. Rowan Williams apologises to Freemasons and Endorses Freemasonry. By Chris Hastings and Elizabeth Day The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has been forced to apologise to Britain’s 330,000 Freemasons after he said that their beliefs were incompatible with Christianity and that he had rejected “the Archbishop apologises for the “distress” he caused and discloses that his own father was a member of the Craft.” Freemasons, many of whom are active members of the Church of England, reacted angrily to his disclosure that he “had real misgivings about the compatibility~ of Masonry and A spokesman said the Archbishop was worried about the ritual element of Freemasonry, which has been seen as “satanically inspired”. “He claims that his views were never meant to be public and were distorted by the media.” He added: “The quoted statements about the ‘satanic’ character of the Masonic ceremonies and other Dr Williams does not, in his letter, deny that he has misgivings about the role of Freemasons within the Church. He wrote: “Where anxieties exist, however, they are in relation not to Freemasonry but to Christian ministers subscribing to what could be and often is understood [or misunderstood] Archbishop Rowan Williams Strongly Pro-Homosexual The Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, is strongly pro-homosexual. But he is equally strongly a Church conservative in terms of Church order. He strongly favors the approval of homosexuality, but equally strongly insists that the homosexualists must He is going to get shot at from both sides. He argues that there is more to homosexuality than Romans i, the passage most frequently cited by evangelicals where St Paul attacks the “unseemly” passions of men with men. Dr Williams goes on to set out a possible case for active same-sex relationships by arguing that revisionists who support “sexual expression” for homosexuals may, like evangelicals, be trying to be faithful to the Bible. His arguments, couched in diplomatic theology, make clear his support for committed gay partnerships and his belief that the Church’s traditional ban on homosexual activity should not apply to those in faithful gay relationships. Dr Williams says that there are plenty of homosexual Christians who do not recognise themselves in Romans i, where St Paul condemns a society where “God gave them up unto vile affections”, where women turned to lesbian love and “the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burnt in their lust one toward another”. Archbishop sparks row after holding secret communion for gay clergy By OLINKA KOSTER – More by this author » Last updated at 18:33pm on 31st December 2007 A row erupted yesterday after it emerged the Archbishop of Canterbury kept the details of a communion service for gay clergy so secret that he failed to inform the Bishop of London it was taking place in his diocese. Dr Rowan Williams reignited the row that is causing divisions within the Anglican Church after agreeing to hold a Eucharist for homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and transgender clergy. Details of the service, attended by around 100 people, emerged yesterday, with the Archbishop said to have spoken openly about the future for gay people in the church. His critics expressed anger that as well as choosing to give communion at the meeting, he also failed to seek permission from the Right Rev Richard Chartres before making an “incursion” on his patch. They said Dr Williams risked being seen as discourteous, with suggestions from some quarters that he was close to breaching canon law. The service was held at the end of last year (2007) in All Hallows by the Tower, a 7th Century church in the City of London, after the original venue, the liberal St Peter’s Church in Belgravia, was “outed” on a hostile website. |
The head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, His Eminence Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor, Archbishop of Westminster – Opus Dei Supporter, Pro-Islam,
Opus Dei He said that he would not be on an Opus Dei recruitment drive. But he added: “I will certainly want through the ministry of a parish priest — the proclamation of thegospel and the exercise of the sacraments However, when Mr Allen interviewed Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor for his book, in November last year, the Cardinal told him: “I’m very content to have Opus Dei in the diocese.” The Cardinal said: “The Catholics I’ve met in Opus Dei have clearly been very dedicated Catholics, very committed to the particular path that is prescribed by Escrivá, which is the mission of lay people in their professional fields.” Catholic Ordained a Roman Catholic Priest. Doubleday Bible Commentary on 1 Corinthians by Cardinal JEROME MURPHY-O’CONNOR. On the following web site [] it states – ‘Jerome MURPHY O’CONNOR – Born in Cork, Ireland, on 10 April 1935. After primary and secondary education at Christian Brothers College, Cork, and Castleknock College, Dublin, entered the Irish Province of the Dominican Order in September 1953, and was ordained a Roman Catholic priest on 10 July 1960’. LONDON, DEC. 5, 2001 ( In a historic gesture, Queen Elizabeth has invited the Catholic primate of England and Wales to stay at the Sandringham country retreat house and to preach to the Royal Family. The invitation to Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O´Connor marks a formal end to 500 years of antagonism and suspicion between the monarch as supreme governor of the Church of England and the Catholic Church, the Telegraph newspaper reported. Cardinal Murphy-O´Connor will be the first Catholic archbishop of Westminster to stay with the Queen at her Norfolk estate and to preach at the Sunday morning service. It is expected that Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and other members of the Royal Family will be staying at Sandringham on the same weekend of January 12 and 13. LONDON, JAN. 14, 2002 ( Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor’s historic visit to Queen Elizabeth II over the weekend is a sign that anti-Catholic prejudices in England are “anachronistic,” Vatican Radio said today. The archbishop of Westminster, primate of the Catholic Church of England and Wales, delivered a homily in the sovereign’s country residence during the Anglican morning service on Sunday. There were some 200 Catholics and Protestants present, in addition to the queen and her family. It was the first time since the Reformation that a Catholic bishop was invited by an English monarch to deliver a sermon. “Important transformations in the relation between the Catholic and Anglican Churches and, more generally in society, have made this historic visit possible,” Vatican Radio acknowledged. Elizabeth II received John Paul II at Buckingham Palace in 1982. In 1995, she was the first British monarch since Henry VIII to participate in a Catholic liturgy. According to Vatican Radio, “the last decades have revealed the growth of the role of the Catholic minority in British life. Leaders of the Conservative and Liberal-Democratic parties are Catholics, as is Tony Blair’s wife.” Islam Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor has publicly referred to Islamists as ‘our Muslim brothers’. Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor offers Catholic help to Muslim Leaders. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, President of the Catholic Bishops’ At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that Catholic and Muslim leaders should continue to meet regularly and speak together on topics of common concern, notably in favour of the God-given rights of human beings, of the importance of faith in schools, and of community and family. It was also suggested that Catholics might be able to offer from their experience of immigration and integration insights that could be of benefit to their “Muslim brothers and sisters.” |
Rev David Coffey, President of the Baptist World Alliance, Ecumenical, Interfaith.
World Council of Churches Member Pro-Catholic In 2003 he was elected until 2007 as the Moderator of the Free Churches Group to represent the nineteen Free Church denominations in England. In this capacity he also serves as one of the four Presidents of Churches Together in England alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Cardinal Archbishop Pro-Islam I welcome the letter from the Muslim scholars and leaders and commend it as a groundbreaking initiative which could make a major contribution to a better understanding in Christian-Muslim relations, the cause of religious liberty and global peace. The letter from the Muslim scholars builds on The Amman Message and it is impossible not to respond positively to its key message that differences should not cause hatred and strife between Christians and Muslims. (My comment “Yet the Qu’ran calls Christians Perverse.” ) Sura 9:30 – Quote “And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying |
Commissioner Elizabeth , Interfaith, Moderator elect of Free Churches Group, Free Churches Group are Members of the Churches Together who are Members of the World Council of Churches.
[1] Commissioner Elizabeth Matear will become the first Salvation Army officer to hold the office of Free Churches Moderator when she is inducted on 25th April at William Booth College. Elizabeth serves as the Territorial President for Women’s Ministries in the UK with the Republic of Ireland and was elected by the Free Churches Group as Moderator (2007-11) in succession to Revd David Coffey (President of the Baptist World Alliance). The Salvation Army are actively involved with freemasonry. [2] Masonic Parade? Berwick on Tweed – 19th June 1937 © Rosslyn Templars Since we posted this interesting photograph several months ago we have received several enquiries asking what the organisation parading is or was. A number of suggestions have been offered but none of them were correct. We can now that the parade is being led by a Salvation Army Band and the main body is that of the International Order of Good Templars (IOGT). The Order originated in Syracuse, New York State, USA, in 1852. It later spread to many parts of the world including Scotland. It was conceived as a temperance organisation and remains so to this day. The choice of name was not, we believe, accidental. ‘Good’ Templars implies that there were other Templars who were not good. Many have heard the saying: ‘As drunk as a Templar’ referring to the debaucheries of the Knights Templar of the Middle Ages. In the light of that Order’s title was well chosen. The Order borrowed from Freemasonry possibly because of the large numbers of Freemasons who were involved in the Order. At least one Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland was also a Grand Master of the Good Templars of Scotland. News Briefing FAMILY FESTIVE CONCERT IN GRAND TEMPLE Reading Central Band of the Salvation Army with some of the Chorus The Grand Temple was the setting for the second Family Festive Concert, and the 750 Freemasons, family and friends who attended enjoyed an exciting and entertaining evening. Andrew Parmley and Bob Corp-Reader had pulled out all the stops to ensure that the evening cracked along at a tremendous pace, with something to delight everyone. Frank Renton was kind enough to compare the event and, as before, the Reading Central Band of the Salvation Army soon had the audience on their feet, enthusiastically joining in much-loved, traditional carols. Reading Central Band of the Salvation Army with The Provincial Grand Master for Cornwall, James Kitson, presented a cheque for £1,000 on behalf of Freemasons in the Province to Sally Taylor, Chief Executive of St Luke’ s Hospice in Plymouth. The cheque is in addition to the £5,000 given to St Luke’ s last year on the 250th anniversary of Cornish Freemasonry. The Provincial Grand Master is keen for all Brethren in the Province to support all the hospices that serve the county. Donations have already been made this year to Mount Edgcumbe at St Austell and St. Julia’ s at Hayle. Refs [1] [2] |
Rev Joel , General Director of Evangelical Alliance (UK) and has been appointed as a commissioner to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) Interfaith.
“But I think equally it is going to be a huge challenge for Christians and people of faith as we learn how to present our faith distinctives within a liberal democracy, where morals and values cannot be dictated to by Christian faith alone.” Rev Edwards, a British immigrant from Jamaica, is an honorary Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral, and is passionate about unity in the church. He was a probation officer for 14 years and the senior pastor of Mile End New Testament Church of God for 10 years before becoming the first black general director of the Evangelical Alliance in 1997. He has previously been involved in the Metropolitan Police Independent Advisory Group, the Government’s “Working Together” interfaith consultation group and an advisory Rev Edwards has vast, multiple-level experience of human rights issues at first hand, and is ideally placed to bring to the new EHRC a wealth of practical and pastoral wisdom, allied to a keen awareness and understanding of the tensions created by a swiftly changing social environment. Enjoying an accessibility and acceptability across the broad religion and belief spectrum, his expertise in cooperative consensus management and conflict resolution – as well as a deep appreciation of the philosophy underlying human rights aspirations – uniquely qualifies him to make a crucial Ref |
Rev Nicky Gumbel, Alpha, Ecumenical
1) Once a barrister, is now said to be more powerful than the Archbishop of Canterbury. The word is that Nicky Gumbel is now more powerful than the Archbishop of Canterbury. And while the humble Vernon Robertson would never dream of thinking of himself in terms of power, he has a similar kind of influence within the Catholic contingent of Alpha here in Canada. For More information goto |
Fran Beckett OBE, CEO of Church Urban Fund, ecumenical, interfaith.
Church Urban Fund Grants – Policy and Procedure The Diocese of London now has grant-making status for Church Urban Fund (CUF) grants. This allows it to be far more strategic in the allocation of these grants. The annual delivery plan has four priorities: 1) To resource clusters of the most deprived parishes with community 2) To fund the development of youth projects by supporting the employment of youth workers 3) To encourage interfaith projects 4) To provide continuation funding for successful innovative projects Ref |
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