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[1] Quote “totalcatholic.com, the web portal of The Universe Catholic weekly, the largest-selling Catholic newspaper in the UK and Ireland. Founded in 1860, The Universe, and its sister title The Catholic Times, have faithfully reported Catholic news and concerns for a century-and-a-half, reflecting the unique and influential development of the Catholic faith across the UK and Ireland.”
The World Prayer Centre is ecumenical click on the Image below for more information as they report having an ecumenical service.
[2] CCR stands for Catholic Charismatic Renewal, this is this is the official Web Site of the National Service Committee for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in England, this is part of the Roman Catholic Church in the this screenshot it shows the connection Hope ’08 has with the RCC as being part of an ecumenical gathering.
[3] This screen shot shows how Wirral Youth For Christ who are part of Hope ’08 are ecumenical.
[4] Image 1 Quote: The Highlighted Text reads, Hope’08 is aiming to unite whole church Hope 2008 is a nationwide Christian initiative aiming to unite the whole church in prayer, community action and evangelism. The vision for Hope 2008 is; “To unite the whole church, for the whole nation, for a whole year… to do more, do it together and do it in word and deed.”
Image 2 Quote: Consequently, Hope08’s Board of Reference reads like an ecumenical Who’s Who and includes Dr Rowan Williams, Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor and Rev David Coffey, alongside MPs Stephen Timms, Caroline Spelman and Steve Webb, representing the three main political parties.
[5] Somerset Churches Together have a document called Hope 08 Launch Event for Young People.
Please Click on the Image to download the PDF Document
[6] In this Hope ’08 document it states about its interfaith Relations on the beginning of page 5, “Launch of the Somerset Faith Forum” The Somerset Faith Forum has been supported by Somerset Churches Together, which was the lead organisation for the successful application to the Faith Communities Capacity Building Fund, which has funded the setting up the Forum.
The Forum has been set up to:
· Promote harmonious relations between people of different faiths in the local authority area of Somerset.
· Improve the quality of life for local people by working together on agreed projects, demonstrating partnership between different faiths.
· Encourage dialogue and provide an opportunity for faith organisations to network with each other and relevant bodies
· Hold meetings, events, lectures, conferences and social gatherings to provide an opportunity for faith organisations to create a harmonious environment for all faiths.
There were presentations from members of the Bahai, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Quaker communities in Somerset. The speakers stressed the importance of faith, of treating everyone equally and the need to recognise diversity while working together.
On page 7 Titled Ecumenical Prayer Vigil at Pill, The Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for 2007 was held at Christ Church, Pill from 10.00 am to 10.00 pm. It was organised by an ecumenical team from the Methodists, the Baptists
and the Anglicans.
Each church was asked to tell its congregation about the vigil, and was sent posters to promote the event. Posters were put in local shops and the Resource centre. Sandwich Boards were put in the precinct and outside the Community Centre which held the McMillan Big Coffee break on the same day. The church was open from 10.00 am onwards.
The rota included 24 volunteers from the covenant churches with additional help from the Salvation Army and Catholic Churches in Pill. Twenty five people filled the rota, and about another thirty visitors came in over the course of the day to pray. Feedback from those attending was uniformly good.
On page 8 it states: HOPE 08 is intended to provide churches of all shapes and sizes throughout the UK with a fresh opportunity to work together across their communities over a twelve month period. It is as relevant for urban churches as it is for rural ones, regardless of tradition. It is very relevant to Churches Together groups which might gain new energy through the involvement of young people and the independent churches in many of the activities which the HOPE 08 programme suggests.
After Soul in the City in London in 2004, three agencies together with a wide range of denominations, networks and charities concluded that focused mission is possible if we all work across the whole nation. Churches of all kinds can work in partnership with other churches, with Christian agencies, the local authorities and the police to make a real impact on their communities.
(Flash Back)
[6a] What Happend in 2004 ???, In 2004 the Catholic Agency to Support Evangelisation (CASE), in a response to Pope John Paul II’s Message of World Youth Day 2004, organised an event called, “Soul in the City,” in London. This was an ecumenical event and the Christian charity Soul Survivor was employed to co-ordinate it.
Part of the events organised during “Soul in the City” was the celebration of a daily morning mass. This blatant promotion of
the Roman Catholic Mass shows the obvious ecumenical stance
of Soul Survivor in that they have no problems with the Catholic dogma of the Mass.
[6b] (Soul in the City’s website now directly links with the
Hope ’08 website so that “Soul in the City” is now part of the
Hope ’08 initiative)
Back to the document, Somerset Churches Together’s Annual Gathering will also focus on Hope 2008. Ian Chisnall, Hope 08 National Coordinator, will speak and lead discussion at Locking Castle Church in WestonsuperMare on 20 October from 10.00 am.
On page 9 it states: The ecumenical movement, the movement of the Spirit that draws Christians together in unity, is worldwide, not just something which happens in the British Isles or Somerset. It faces many challenges and is entering a new stage on its journey. These facts were clearly brought home to me when, with ecumenical officers and others, I stayed for a few days in September at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey and visited the offices of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva.
The WCC is a Council of Churches which is now more than fifty years old. There are 347 member churches, representing roughly one quarter of the world’s Christians. It has a special relationship with the Roman Catholic Church which is not a member but has an important associated role.
The WCC is facing many challenges including severe financial constraints. Most of the churches to which the 500 million or so Pentecostal/Charismatic Christians in the world belong remain outside the WCC and the Roman Catholic Church is not a formal member, although it supports the WCC in many ways.
On Page 15 it states ‘Unity is not about doing extra ecumenical things, things that absorb precious time and energy, but about doing the things we should be doing anyway ecumenically: worshipping, witnessing, serving and evangelizing as one and so releasing energy rather than absorbing it.’ (Paul Avis, ‘Rethinking Ecumenical Theology’ in Paths to Unity: Explorations in Ecumenical Method, Church House Publishing, 2004, page 102)
This is very Deceptive and is only lead people into Roman Catholicism.
[7] Hope ’08 made a UK government reference to being part of an “Interfaith Strategy” this states as I have highlighted, Interfaith Strategy 5. Ms Celia Barlow (Hove) (Lab): What progress has been made in developing an interfaith strategy. Ms Barlow: Is my hon. Friend aware of the work of Hope 2008, an organisation that supports the voluntary work of the Churches in Britain? Every year, churches, mosques, synagogues and temples perform a very valued service in the community……… Mr. Dhanda: Hope 2008 does excellent work, which underpins and is very much in tune with our work on an interfaith framework……..in the sort of collaborative action supported by Hope 2008. As I said, we will unveil our interfaith strategy later this month…….and it is one that is made to me regularly by our Faith Communities Consultative Council. It has been very supportive of the work on the interfaith framework, and its ideas are being put into practice in the framework, as he will see in a few weeks…….Gentleman will see that, like a stick of rock, it has their work, commitment and values running through it.
[1] http://www.totalcatholic.com/tc/index.php?option=com _content
[Image for total catholic website] Source: http://www.totalcatholic.com
/tc /index .php? option=com_content&view=article&id=33%3Afestival -of-hope-in-liverpool&Itemid=34
[2] http://www.ccr.org.uk/archive/gn0605/nws-e.htm
[3] http://www.wirralyfc.org.uk/about_us/projects/hope_for_wirral/
[4] http://www.networknorwich.co.uk/Publisher/Article.aspx?id=71518
[6] http://www.sctog.org.uk/NewsletterOct07.pdf
[6b] http://www.soulinthecity.co.uk/
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