Religous Cults

If you have a friend or family member involved in any of the groups that are listed and are looking for information that may not be contained in this section or you are an ex-member of a particular Cult, Religious Organization or an NRM (New Religious Movement) and would like to provide us with information please feel free to contact us located in the contact us title above.

A link on this page does not necessarily imply that a group is a “cult” or is dangerous.

Not all groups called either “cults” or “cult-like” are harmful.

U.K.A.L does not necessarily imply that a group is a “cult” or is dangerous and that those which are cult groups, religious organisation’s and New Religious Movements operate different from and are independent of each other, this includes pseudo-Christian groups or churches.

religouscults_davidberg religouscults_mcKay religouscults_Cfm3D
The Family International,
(AKA The Children of God,
Heavens Harlots, The Family,
World Services, Family of
Love, Heaven’s Magic,
Martinelli, Fellowship
of Independent
Christian Churches.
Dave McKay founder of
the Jesus Christians, a
break away group
of the Children of God
cult, aka The Family
The Potters House
(AKA The Door,
Victory Chapel).
The Truth Behind
the Cult.
Audacious-logo uckg  watchtowerlogo
!Audacious Church
This page is to examine
the cultic and NRM
practices of this particular
church and its teachings.

Universal Church
of the Kingdom of God.

The Truth behind this
dangerous cult.

The Watchtower
Bible Tract Society
.Jehovah’s witnesses
truth behind the cult 

One of the UK’s most
dangerous destructive cults.


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  • This is not a promotion of the Star of David, we give recognition, support to the Jewish people and for the nation of Israel.