The Hypocrisy of those who oppose you.

Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

Oct 16 2016 13:14:20 Contact form data approved freeman

The hypocrisy is amazing with you people. You arent Christians and you wont find Heaven in the after life. Hell awaits you cowards. Christ will not be pleased with how you shun his other followers yet invite those who seek to kill his followers with Open Arms. You are Lier’s and whores.

I received a very loving “christian” email today of a spammer who decides to show our so much love in letting us know his interesting position towards those who lovingly warn others against leaders and teachers who are false or compromised in leading others astray, as a policy this ministry keeps a log and record of e-mail’s and IP addresses like this one, in this case one can only assume he means those progressive evangelicals who are in unity with the Church of Rome or other Prosperity Teachers, it would show in the language he has used that those mysterious person has a bee in his bonnet.

I was brought to memory an interesting conversation I had with an atheist on saturday during my witnessing that what makes you think your right when the majority of Christians are working together and your out side of that majority, it was at this moment in writing this I remembered a scripture but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousnessindignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil  (Rom 2:8-9).

Let us reason ministries writes:

The Gnostics called their doctrine the depths of God, which contained arcane secrets and mysteries of divine wisdom. Christ called them the depths of Satan (Revelation 2:24). God says in Isaiah 48:16 “Come near to Me, hear this: I have not spoken in secret from the beginning.” The Gnostics and mystics pursue the unknown; rejecting what is already revealed as truth from God.  This is exemplified in the New age movements blending of spirituality with the old Gnostic / mystical ways to form ones personal self religion (spirituality).

In our day truth is rare from businesses, education, relationships and yes, in the pulpits of churches. Are you living under dead teaching, then you are dying and eventually will become fruitless from it. The problem is you may not notice because you accepted a substitute that seems real to you.

Too many feel more at home with a counterfeit than the genuine. In fact many will resist any information of facts to persuade them from it.

Our nation is under siege with lies. Will we hear what Jeremiah had to say to Israel in their backslide? Jer. 7:28 “So you shall say to them, ‘This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the LORD their God nor receive correction. Truth has perished and has been cut off from their mouth.”

And when it is not stopped it escalates very quickly, Israel is our example.

Hosea 4:1-2 “Hear the word of the LORD, you children of Israel, for the LORD brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land: “There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land. By swearing and lying, killing and stealing and committing adultery, they break all restraint, with bloodshed upon bloodshed.”

We have an administration whose policies are severing the country from its constitution; can we read the signs that we see? If not, how can we read the signs that are spiritual? The same is happening in the church, in our pulpits – those who are not teaching from our constitution, the bible, severing the church from the word. We get lies in the place of truth, and what people believed to be true is found out not to be written in the Bible.

This can easily become the end of the evangelical church in America and be spread abroad. What will become of us when we have very few teachers of the word, teachers who are not willing to stand up for the truth in the face of lies and evil?

The point is they will reject the truth as Christ had warned John 5:43 “I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.” So this “new Messiah” will not say he is Jesus but he will be seen as a Christ or of some other spiritual term that will be all-encompassing. To believe the lie as Paul speaks of in 2 Thessalonians 2 is to believe that the antichrist is the messiah. He will be so slick and polished that unless you have been deeply rooted in the word you too will be fooled. One reason is because of his powerful miracles.

It is the scriptures that are written down for our benefit, we have the wisdom from God in this decade of the many lies others would seek to accuse you.

It is interesting that the ones who write you and say all kind of things against you would not take the time to explain our alleged error, this same IP address has got a record of being a spammer 33 times. belongs to network (AS20115).

It was reported as spam 33 times.

It would appear from this that this mysterious individual not only does not want to be known, these sorts of comments were given to David Cloud, he writes

The fact is that I am not preaching myself; I am preaching the Bible. I am sure the prophets of old considered themselves unworthy to proclaim righteousness and truth to others. No man ever has been worthy to preach God’s Word. But the fact is that God calls preachers, and He has given them a commission, and I must seek to obey God even if I do it imperfectly and even if I make mistakes.

To be honest, I often wish that I could preach popular things and not have to focus so much on the exposure of error, but the fact is that these late hours are characterized by error, and God works mightily in some men to expose it. Jeremiah’s heart burned within him and he found that he could not refrain from speaking God’s reproofs. Do you not think there are prophets of God whose hearts are so inflamed today?

God has commanded me to “prove all things” (1 Thess. 5:21), to “try the spirits” (1 John 4:1), to “beware of false prophets” (Matt. 7:15), to “take heed that no man deceive you” (Matt. 24:4), “to “search the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11), to “prove what is acceptable unto the Lord” (Eph. 5:10), to “approve things that are excellent” (Phil. 1:10), to “rightly divide the word of truth, but shun profane and vain babblings” (2 Tim. 2:15-16), to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3).

The Bible commands me to “preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; REPROVE, REBUKE, EXHORT with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (2 Tim. 4:2-3).

The Bible very plainly prophesies that the end of this age will be characterized by error and apostasy, not truth and sound New Testament faith.

The Bible says “he that is spiritual judges all things…” (1 Cor. 2:15). It also says, “The simple believeth every word: but THE PRUDENT MAN LOOKETH WELL TO HIS GOING” (Prov. 14:15).

Biblical New Testament Christianity is not positive only; it involves many “negatives.” The Lord Jesus Christ did not overlook theological error. My Bible tells me He rebuked the Pharisees because they had corrupted the Word of God and had made their own religion. That is precisely what a great many Christian leaders have done today with the New Testament faith. They have perverted it, and God has always called prophets to rebuke this type of apostasy. Did Paul not rebuke Peter for his hypocrisy (Galatians 2:11-14)? Did he not rebuke the Galatian heretics who were perverting the gospel (Galatians 1:6-9; 3:1; 5:7-12)?

So what makes us think we are right, the answer is simple 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 says 9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

The question is, is it a righteous thing that we should accommodate the high priests of false ecumenism and those who spout out there defense for false unity with every denomination?

The heart of the matter is you cannot truly love Christ if you defend those who lead others into serious unbiblical error and by defending that error it is not me who seeks to kill them, but it is they who seek to kill those who are in opposition to their teachings.

They would call us liars and whores when in reality it is they who drink from the cup of harlots and spread lies about those who are so concerned for them and are lovingly trying to warn against false teachers and those who would lead others astray.

The bible talks about such cowardly people like this, Titus 1 says 10For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: 11Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake. 12One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. 13This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 14Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. 15Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. 16They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

It is no wonder that the bible writes for a very good reason and gives this encouragement, 2 Thessalonians 2:15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

A blogger has a well written article that hits the nail on the head that describes people who would defend those who teach falsely, and accuse you for doing the same things and the language they use to accuse you they show that they are in total opposition to the scriptures.

Will the real cowards please stand up!!!
(please note: this does not imply an endorcement of any ministry.)

Cowards don’t preach the real Word of God. Men of God like Stephen, Paul, and more boldly preached the Word of God even through persecution.

False teachers say things like I’m only supposed to preach love. These people stand up for things that God hates and when you do that you are fighting against God.

Are you cowardice? If someone said disown Jesus or I will shoot you in the face will you do it? Are you ashamed of God’s Word? If a friend says why aren’t you going to do these things with us it’s because of God isn’t it?

Will you be ashamed and laugh it off, say no, or brush it off or will you say that’s exactly why? Are you embarrassed to talk about God around friends and family? Believers these days are afraid of persecution so they hide. If you are not willing to deny yourself and take up the cross daily you can’t be a follower of Christ. What happened to the true followers who cared not what the world thinks because Jesus Christ is everything? Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

Many will be denied Heaven

1. Revelation 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

2. Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

They were never of us

3. Mark 4:17 And they have no root in themselves, but endure for a while; then, when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately they fall away.

Be bold

4. Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.

5. 1 Corinthians 16:13 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

6. Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

7. Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

So-called Christians are not standing up for God. They’re afraid to speak up when the pressure is on so they won’t get persecuted. They stand up for Satan instead of God. Deny Him and His Word and He will deny you.

8. Psalm 94:16 Who rises up for me against the wicked? Who stands up for me against evildoers?

9. Luke 9:26 Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.

10. 1 Peter 4:16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.

11. Luke 9:23-24 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.

12. Matthew 10:33 But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.

13. 2 Timothy 2:12 if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us;

False believers are compromising with the world. God will not be mocked there is no compromising the Word of God.

14. James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

15. 1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.


2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Whom do they follow, whom do you follow … ?

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Whom do they follow, whom do you follow … ?

In the world people follow different types of models in life. They can be put into two succinct categories. One who has goals and is moral and has ethics. Another who obfuscates facts for self -prominence, wealth and power.

People will educate themselves and gain knowledge for the goals they have in life. Some want to do good, not just for themselves but to improve life for others (Humanists can be both secular and religious). Others do things only for self -gain. Ones philosophy in life — what their religion teaches matters. It explains how you relate to people and the world.

However, there is a third group that are pilgrims, having dual citizenship of their country, but their official citizenship is in heaven. The good they do is to promote Christ Jesus their Lord.

The philosophy you adhere to will shape your life, your worldview. In religion, the God you serve will also shape your life.

Some follow Jesus because they recognize him as the highest ideal for man. Christians follow Jesus because the Bible teaches he is God in the flesh, that He said “I am the way, the truth and the Life” (Jn.14:6). Paul the apostle said to imitate me as I imitate Christ.

Other religions have their own teachers and prophets. For example, Islam follows Mohammed. Did Mohammed follow God, yes: his God Allah. We should not be confused; his god was not the same God the Bible presents, nor the one the ancient prophets heard from.

It has been said that all the world is a stage and we are all actors. In a certain way a script is written. We are certainly not puppets, our willing participation in good or evil is our choice that is fulfilling the script

We should always expect the unexpected… from both God and His Adversary. Earth is ground zero for a war that most of the participants stay invisible, but its outcome can be seen by what takes place.

God is in control of both the circumstances and the outcome. At the time we may not get the message God is sending through circumstances or a person, or scripture? We may not understand how he is in control at the time but we will be able to look back and understand some of it in the future.

Some have wondered (and some have complained) – what does politics have to do with Christianity, with religion? If you can’t see the relationship of these two by now then there is no amount of explanations that would suffice.

As believers who are intent on following Christ we live by His power in a world that is antagonistic to Him and his standards. We are his standard bearers. We try to influence people to live by these higher standards. What one is convinced of they will live by. The world rejects the Christ in the bible. But there is one coming they will accept, he will appeal to all the world as “a Christ.”

We are in a time period of preparation. The world is in such rebellion to the truth that everything is being affected by believing the lies. These are pervading nearly every aspect of life.

In 1980, one of the organizational leaders of the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, Paul Henri Spaak of Belgium said to the United European Community: “What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and whether he be god or devil, we will receive him.

So the world leaders are open for whoever can come along to solve the political, financial religious dilemma and make peace. As Israel insisted on a king like the other nations, they were given what they desired, Saul.

The church which is supposed to be the pillar and ground of truth is also open. A diabolical hoax has been presented to the church that has been extrapolated from cultural myths. Under the guise of evangelism we are told it’s correct to use the name of other gods for God. Claiming they are the same God. Such as Allah being used, this syncretism is now called Chrislam. An intentional blending of the religions claiming unity in the Abrahamic faith. It is also rationalized, that if it works it should be used (the worlds way of pragmatism).

There are those teaching that numerous cultures knew the true God just like Israel, even without the gospel known. The bible teaches the gospel was hidden just as Paul said in Romans 16 but now has been made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures.” So without the Scripture, without missionaries, they could not know God. Yet the very organization that claims to be missionary based – YWAM has adopted Daniel Kikawa (and Don Richardson’s mythologies for their evangelism)

From Kikawa’s book, his theme: “Christians should cease representing Jesus as the Son of the foreign God of a foreign people, especially if these foreigners had never shown concern for nor had any involvement in the lives or culture of the natives. We should instead introduce Jesus as the Son of their creator God Evangelism is focused on truth – it’s about the Jesus of the Bible. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. You cannot bring someone to salvation without having the truth as your basis. He is telling us to give the other cultures gods as the Father who sent the Son. Jesus is THEIR God’s Son. If names were hats, God wears a thousand hats. So he teaches that any country you go into you tell them the Lord has developed your culture and present Jesus as the son of YOUR god.

Using a false god that is part of their culture, claiming, HE sent the son is not evangelism. This assimilates Jesus to another God. Jesus was a Hebrew born in Israel, lived and died in Israel, and, was raised from the dead in Israel. God the Father sent him to make the new covenant with his people, that through them all people would be blessed (Gen.12:3) and fulfill his prophecies. How can these other gods of other cultures have sent the son when they do not mention Him, have scripture or even know Israel exists?

Years ago Beatle George Harrison, sang my sweet lord expressing his ecumenism; “They call you Christ, Vsnu, Buddha, Jehovah, our Lord. You are Govindam, Bismillah, Creator of All.” This is gist of what is being taught now.

It is not just about the name of a god but a god who has a made up belief system attached to him. If we are to accept the names of these cultures /nations gods should we not also accept what their gods taught them? How can one separate the god of their culture from his teaching or history? And how does one reconcile the differences taught?

This has become the trend for those who cannot be straight on giving the gospel. And we have
spent numerous hours addressing it on the website and making dvd’s for the body of Christ to be informed (the newest one is listed after the newsletter).

On the other hand, some say as long as we believe in Jesus whatever else we believe or do does not matter. Actually our belief in Jesus shapes our other beliefs and practices – Christian doctrine matters.

We constantly hear the world say “to believe in one self.” I understand that one can have a certain confidence in their talents or abilities, but eventually self will let you down, for the simple reason it’s a fallen nature. Jesus said the opposite; deny yourself because if you focus on self, fallen man (even believers) you deny yourself the power of God to work in your life. Jesus said you can achieve nothing of value (for his kingdom) without Him. The world’s philosophies are always trying to intrude on the church. Weak men in the faith and ethics are used to deliver them to the church.

The gospel is no longer the only way to have membership in the church. You don’t have to be “in Christ” to be in the church (or be the church). If you tithe enough you too can be part of the elites closed circle to the pastor (or bishop, or apostle, or prophet). He might even make you an elder, that can co rule and reign over the sitters that come every Sunday morning.

And we wonder why we are such a weak condition?

Send in the clowns … to remove the frowns

Let us laugh and be entertained “in church.” Over 20 years ago a movement began that was called another Pentecost. Come and get drunk on the Holy Ghost and laugh yourself silly. Some even broke out in laughter when hearing about hell. They laid on the floor writhing in ecstasy as the master of ceremonies said “touch,” “fill” and pointed his finger to pass on what they thought was the anointing. Numerous other Latter Rain revisitations have broken out since then.

Could it be that God was trying to prepare us for the future which is NOW; to have us test what is said by His word? If so, much of the church failed. For this was not God who sent this kind of revival. Again, people gravitated toward an experience, and it is still going on by Rodney Browne and others. What’s next, the crying revival

In the meantime Britain which was impacted by this immensely has become a center of Islam, they have elected their first Muslim mayor of London and sharia is courts are spreading. In Iraq 91 % believes they should have Sharia law and we thought we would change this? PEW Poll Analysis: A billion Muslims in the world want Sharia law, that’s more than half. What of in the US? Poll of U.S. Muslims by The Polling Company for the Center for Security Policy, 51% want Sharia law.

Islam, Wicca, even Satanism and New Agers have all experienced growth in recent years both here and in Europe. While the church continues to lose many. Why is that? Could it be that they are better at explaining the lies than the churches are at explaining the truth?

We have paid a huge price in America with inexperienced leadership, both in politics and the church. Just because someone is called a professor or a prophet, and respected by men does not mean they are teaching correctly.

Can America readjust its downward motion? Who do we depend on to do this, a new president? Where will revival come from? Charisma magazine offers Bill Johnson as one “Born for Revival” (he is on the August 2016 cover). Is this whom revival will come by? A man who denies Jesus is God manifested in the flesh. A man who is involved in word faith, Toronto, prophets and apostles and everything that is wrong?

Who is “qualified” for bringing revival? To bring back life is God’s job, he is into making dead things alive again, and he has already given us what is needed (2 Pt.1:3. Phl.2:16)

For any of this to happen there must be Christians who want to participate and know how to present the gospel. Not just mutter Jesus loves you and promise the blessings before they understand their sinfulness to actually be saved. The gospel is like a doctor doing exploratory surgery and finding the tumor to remove it. We are not going to change the direction of the world which is in rebellion, but we can call some out.

Whole methodologies have been invented (by men) to change the culture (Loren Cunningham YWAM and Bill Bright) by their 7 cultural mountains. And where has it worked? Nowhere. Or the unity movement of pulse (press the reset button) together 2016 which unites with Roman Catholicism. Could it be that these things so many try over and over again are not of god nor the direction that is led by God? Are we that stiff necked not to see this?

We can no longer afford to be run by bureaucratic nincompoops, nor can the church afford to be run by the uneducated charlatans any longer. It’s time to stand – it’s for our survival.

Look at how long word faith teaching has been with us. Now it’s permeated everywhere and become a norm in the church. Over 15 years have gone by since the prayer of Jabez where it said, this is the only prayer God always answers (to have more.)

The truth always exposes the lies, but we need to be using the word to see it. There is no such thing claimed in Scripture for Christians. The only prayer that is always answered is by an unbeliever GENUINELY calling on Jesus to save them by the gospel (Rom.10). This was a word faith test the church failed to object to.

The Word faith prosperity message of gain still attracts the immature. John the baptizer, who called for repentance, was chosen to introduced Jesus, he was not living a life of luxury. This is why these preachers can’t preach repentance because they live in luxury. Some excuse them as it is their right to spend their enormous amounts of money anyway they want. First: they are not working for it like others who donate the money to their MINISTRY. It’s not theirs but the Lord’s. And the lord has already addressed what they are doing as wrong. So they cannot defend them by the Bible ACCURATELY.

Recently I saw on a non -Christian channel a new word faith teacher who was able to mimic a certain prosperity teacher that is still speaking (initials MM). Not only was his presentation a carbon copy in word but so were in his gestures and inflection in voice, nuances in his mannerisms. It was amazing and disgusting at the same time. Disgusting how he was manipulating his audience to believe lies, but he knew what worked.

Where do you derive your Christianity from? Direct from the source or from intermediaries (Jn.8:32, 36; 15:5). Some follow men and say they follow Christ but when checked with the Bible it becomes evident they do not. They have transgressed the borders God has in His word.

A new order is being established by an ancient religious force

Why do all those in Islam who kill others claim they are following their prophet and their book?

After all these years why are we so under-educated on this religion. It’s not that Americans are illiterate and cannot read. They are often prevented in understanding the differences by two reasons, 1) Their critical thinking has become null and void. 2) The media’s influence makes excuses on the worst behavior seen in humanity, obfuscating the facts. Americans have not been told the truth by most of the TV networks, and some who do give a small percentage of it.

Politics and black holes

Politics, Energy, the Financial market and War affect us all. It does not matter what country you live in. Globalists want America to be an international nation, not a sovereign nation (look at the UN agenda). They want no borders in a country, and there are those who want no borders in the church, unity is their goal.

Current Politics is the strangest we have seen. We have a very unlikely challenger to a likely candidate. One is an internationalist (globalist) the other an outsider that is nationalist (a rarity in politics these days). One is a long time politician who knows the game played with world leaders, the other played the game with the politicians in his businesses and will say whatever comes to mind (which is not always right or good).

Communists hate God and if they support someone in politics that speaks volumes to what that candidate stands for. Their ideology is that there is No God but the state. Mankind’s creator is replaced by government. In the church we face the same attitude by Nicolaitans claiming apostolic government is the answer. Some are willing to copy the world’s ways with these false prophets leading their churches.

The she candidate has implemented the role of a word smith in her denial of sending or receiving classified information. Its marked “confidential and top secret” (not classified). The real problem is that someone removed these markings that had access to them. So many others (even recently) have been prosecuted for far less. So what does this tell us, or does it even matter to you?

This is how politics and its technicians work. They poly, holding two opinions at the same time. Apparently the FBI and justice dept. had different opinions than the pledge of allegiance “and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The “she” candidate, the one who helped instigate the “Arab spring” which brought such a mess to the Middle east tells Israel that terrorists are praying, “Please, Allah, make Trump president of America.” Will she say this to the Muslims? She just admitted that they are Islamic, contrary to the claims of both her and the administration. (poly)

America and Islam

Should we prevent Muslims from openly entering into our country and have a stronger vetting process? Politician’s argue that if we stop them from entering into our country, it will make them even more angry at us and produce more terrorists! More than what they are already producing?

How does this logic work? Keeping them out until we figure out a better way to know who they actually are is common sense. If we can continue the open door policy we should expect some (increasing) bad with the good as almost all the experts on this have warned. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said, “Members of the Islamic State are trying to use the U.S. refugee program to enter the United States.

We have seen what the refugees have brought to other countries. This is the 2nd phase of the “Arab spring,” or more accurately named the “Muslim Expansion.” Why are the refugees seeking refuge in Christian countries and five of the wealthiest Muslims Countries are not taking in Syrian refugees. Could they know something we do not?

Germany is now in turmoil because they wanted to help. Swedish police now tell women to stay indoors after sunset because of the refugees. Much of the news has moved away from reporting what is actually taking place.

911 remembered

Everyone remembers where they were on the day of 911. I certainly do, it was early in the morning here in Hawaii when I was working on articles on the computer and went into the living room to turn on the TV. I immediately knew from the first plane hitting the Tower what this was, an attack.

It was 6 months prior to this I was receiving death threats by Muslims overseas. I had gone to the FBI with the emails and they said they could not do anything, they referred me to the local police. I then went to them and they said unless something has actually taken place they could not do anything (now I think they would react differently.)

As I watched the second plane hit the tower this became an even larger concern, so I went back to go on to the computer. I found I was hacked and the computer was dead. I was using Win 98 at the time and I could not revive it no matter what I did. Coincidence that this took place at the same time? I doubt mine was an isolated incident.

This was a sad sobering day, only now do we fully grasp what had begun from it.

The current conventional “wisdom,” (man’s opinion) is those who do violence are not following ‘true’ Islam. That there is no such thing as Islamic terrorists.

As far back as 1987 Ollie North warned us in America of the threats he and his family were receiving from a terrorist (Abu Nidal, a radical Palestinian guerrilla leader) who is quoted in Der Spiegel saying, “Between America and us, there exists a war to the death. In the coming months and years, Americans will be thinking about us.”

The past tells the future.

Calling it by any other name but the right one
We hear straw man arguments of why we should not to use the term radical Islam as if this terminology will make matters worse. But it is not about them, but us. It focuses us on whom and what the enemy is. Simple logic tells us if you can’t name the enemy, you can’t fight them as the enemy. The false view of not calling them religious terrorists to avoid recruiting more jihadists only results in more successful Jihadi recruits. Not recognizing, acknowledging the religious component to this, only allows it to persist and expand.

They say when you mention terrorism connected to Islam -Your an Islamaphope – well, the media is run by truthaphobes. If you missed the news on one station you will find the exact same words used on another station as the memos go out (This same action is also happening with messages in the church.)

The media is to distribute information that is truthful, accurate, but they mostly persuade people to believe their own deceptions. Like Islam means peace, when it really means submission to their God Allah, AND his prophet.

The western media has created the concept of a peaceful softer Islam but when you go to the middle east you find it’s just not so.

The Pope, Francis, who is supposed to be a religious leader of a church. Like other popes prior he has become a friend to Islam, inviting them to the Vatican for prayers joining them in their mosques.

He claimed members of ISIS are primarily motivated by a lack of money and resources, it’s not about their religion. Neglecting the obvious– the “I” in ISIS stands for Islamic.

The Pope along with others say Global warming is “the great threat.” What kind of leader says the biggest threat to us all is a little warmth, not death by killing.

He opened his mouth to say these words of wisdom, no religion had a monopoly of violent members” “…Not all Muslims are violent, not all Catholics are violent,” (note: no one said they were all violent.)

Authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Quran are opposed to every form of violence. Pope Francis dismissed Islamic State as a small fundamentalist group” not representative of Islam as a whole.

ISIS responded quickly refuting the Popes words of ignorance in their magazine Dabiq. As to the statement “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Quran are opposed to every form of violence

The article insists, to urge all Muslims to take up the sword of jihad, the “greatest obligation” of a true Muslim. ISIS included a section in the most recent issue of Dabiq titled “Why we hate you & why we fight you.

The first reason they list: “We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah – whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son” Does their motivation to kill sound cultural, political or religious to you? It is really about Jesus and Christianity. Yet everyone refuses to believe their words!

The Pope has not responded and is being quiet … yes, even a fool who keeps his mouth shut can look wise.

The way of Islam

Islam is not just a religion, it is a complete surrender to its god and his system of life. A theology of submission with a belief in a theocracy (called umma), which encompasses everything, legal, political, economic, social, military components and religious living.

What we are facing now is civilization Jihad. We can see what Islam is. Not a single Muslim country is run in accord to the freedom values that the west holds (which happens to be based on Judeo Christian beliefs).

Many have made the mistake of finding this justification for Jihad only in the Quran. The Quran is not the primary source of Islam, it is one of the primary sources of Islam. The Hadith’s reveal the prophets character and ways.

The Hadiths contain what Mohammed said during his teachings of 23 years. Sunnah is the way of the Prophet. Islam becomes a submission to Allah AND his apostle. It is one prophet they follow, not prophets, and it is not Jesus. Once this is understood we have better grasp of what we are seeing today.

Of the 452 terrorist attacks in 2015, all but 2 were Islamic. To insist there’s not an Islamic terrorist problem is plain insanity. But the leaders of nations (ours too) continue to insist on this. It’s been proven that the attacks and bombings are correlated to the rate of Muslim immigration in countries.

Surah 9:29: Picthal: “Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture (Christians & Jews) as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.” Mohammed is known to say “I am the prophet that laughs when killing my enemies.” (sahih Hadith))

Isis along with hundreds of other terrorist groups are in concert with their founder Mohammed. Some call it radical Islam, but it should be called ancient Islam. If one studies history they will find that Mohammed led some 27 invasions and had plans for many more.

What we are seeing is the original Islam, and some admit it. ISIS celebrated a bloody Ramadan month with attacks June and July. 14 different terror attacks, military campaigns were carried out in Syria, Iraq, the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa. In their weekly magazine, al-Naba they boast that 5,200 people were killed or wounded in “military operations”, including the attack we had in Orlando.

Since 9/11 there have been over 29,000 attacks worldwide. Think of this war going on for the last 15 years, and many are in the latter years.

By August in 2016, Islamic Terrorism had executed 1,534 Islamic attacks in 51 countries, in which 13,581 people were killed and 16,424 injured.

At Al Quds University there are ornaments and pictures of the perpetrators of violent attacks. Top Palestinian Authority officials regularly glorify these so-called “martyrs” by naming streets and sports tournaments after them and heaping praise on their families.

Who are the martyrs? Is it Islamists, Isis and their maniacal armies? Since when is a martyr someone who intentionally kills innocent people and kills them-self? The real martyrs are the Christians they kill, who hold onto their faith in the face of death. They are the ones that get promoted and receive real rewards in the real heaven.

You reflect the image of the God you serve. What image are these terrorists reflecting, not a merciful god.

To revisit the question we began with, whom do you follow?

May you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Mike Oppenheimer


World Vision funds $7.2 million per year to terrorist group allied to ISIS.

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It is an urgent but sad matter concerning this braking news, this is a matter of importance that cannot be ignored and to question why is World Vision funding a terrorist group like Hamas, when it is known that Hamas has ties and alliances with the Islamic State (ISIS) or Daesh as it is called today, this news concerning Hamas alliance to ISIS was reported by the Jerusalem Post, it is even reported by Front Page Magazine that Hamas has allied with ISIS in the Sinai is supplying guns and bombs to ISIS. when it comes to these terrorist groups they would not give a single thought into killing an aid worker from World Vision and World Vision funds Hamas by giving 60 percent of World Vision’s annual budget for the Gaza Strip was diverted by Hamas to the tune of $7.2 million per year, lets face it World Vision stinks of hypocrisy there is no real excuse for this.

The JNN news and other news sources on google news has reported:

“What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.” Lk 12:3

JNN: WORLD VISION’S FUNDING OF HAMAS TERRORIST OPERATIONS: It is an urgent but sad matter that we bring to our readers across the globe today. It has been verified by numerous reliable sources, including top Israeli government and security officials that World Vision donations marked for the Gaza Strip, have been largely diverted to fund the destructive activities of Hamas; the ruling terrorist organization there. The reports are cause for intercession and careful reassessment by faithful donors who have given for decades to World Vision, as to where their aid might better be used in the future. VFI staff members thank all of the Israeli news sources who have contributed to this report. (JNN)

ISRAEL SAYS GAZA WORLD VISION DIRECTOR DIVERTED MILLIONS TO HAMAS’ TERRORIST WING: The Gaza head of the USA-based humanitarian aid organization World Vision funneled as much as $7 million a year over the past 10 years to Hamas terror activities, Israel’s domestic security agency said Thurs. 4 August 2016. World Vision is among the largest Christian charities in the world and receives considerable funding from the UN and Western governments. It has been working in Israel and the Palestinian territories for more than 40 years. An Israel Security Agency official said that while the investigation did not implicate World Vision in the scheme to divert funds, it did reveal an abysmal lack of monitoring and supervision by the organization of its donations and projects. “Hamas stole tens of millions of dollars from disabled and poor Palestinian children to build a war machine,” said David Keyes, a spokesman for the Israeli government. (Washington Post/NY Times)

WORLD VISION’S CHRISTIAN DONATIONS FUNDING HAMAS: World Vision International is perhaps the world’s largest Evangelical Christian humanitarian aid organization. The NGO group has been operating in Israel, Judea & Samaria, and the Gaza Strip since 1975. It has now been revealed that 60 percent of World Vision’s annual budget for the Gaza Strip was diverted by Hamas to the tune of $7.2 million per year. Much of that money was given in cash to Hamas terrorists, while even more was used to finance the construction of terror tunnels and to purchase weapons. All of this was discovered during a lengthy investigation beginning in mid-June 2016 when Israel arrested Mohammed El-Halabi, World Vision’s Gaza branch director, on suspicion of terrorist activity. During the investigation, El-Halabi revealed that he has been a Hamas member since his youth and had undergone organizational and military training in the early 2000s. In 2005, Hamas dispatched El-Halabi to infiltrate World Vision. El-Halabi related that Hamas believed that he had a good chance of infiltrating the humanitarian aid organization because his father works for the UN. (Israel Today)

MOHAMMED EL-HALABI’S FATHER WORKS FOR UN AND IS A HAMAS MEMBER: World Vision’s Gaza branch director, Mohammed El-Halabi, admitted that his father, Halil El-Halabi, who has served as head of UNWRA’s educational institutions in the Gaza Strip for years, is a member of Hamas and uses his position as a UN employee to help the terrorist organization. Shortly after being employed by World Vision, Mohammed began to use his position to benefit the Islamist terrorist organization, primarily by diverting funds meant as aid to strengthen Hamas’ terrorist arm. Over the years, El-Halabi advanced in the charity’s hierarchy until he was appointed director of the Gaza branch. In this capacity, he controlled the budget, equipment and aid packages which amounted to tens of millions of dollars. El-Halabi employed a sophisticated and systematic apparatus for transferring World Vision funds to Hamas. He established and promoted humanitarian projects and fictitious agricultural associations that acted as cover for the transfer of monies to Hamas. Examples of these projects and associations include: greenhouse construction; restoration of agricultural lands; mental health and public health projects for Gaza residents; aid to fishermen; a treatment center for the physically and mentally disabled; and farmers’ associations. All of these projects and associations were used to transfer funds to Hamas. (Yossi Aloni/Israel Today)

HOW WORLD VISION FUNDS FOR PROJECTS AND FARMER’S PROJECTS WERE DIVERTED TO HAMAS IN VARIOUS WAYS: The money allocated by World Vision for projects and farmers’ associations reached Hamas in various ways, such as the false registration of Hamas terrorists as employees in charity-sponsored projects; issuing fictitious receipts and inflated invoices in which the difference paid by the charity was transferred in cash to Hamas; transfer of the charity’s checks to Hamas terrorists, etc. The investigation revealed that the main method used to divert money to Hamas was to put out fictitious tenders for World Vision-sponsored projects in the Gaza Strip. The “winning” company was made aware that 60 percent of the project’s monies were to be designated for Hamas. In this way, Mohammed El- Halabi ensured a steady flow of cash into Hamas coffers.

According to El-Halabi, the funds he diverted to Hamas were intended mainly to strengthen the terrorist arm. As such, they were utilized to finance the digging of terror tunnels, the building of military bases and the purchase of weapons. Some of the money went to pay the salaries of Hamas terrorists and, in some cases, senior Hamas terrorists took large sums of money for their own personal use. El-Halabi regularly transferred to Hamas equipment that he had ordered on behalf of World Vision, supposedly for agricultural aid. The equipment included iron rods, digging equipment, pipes and building materials, and was used in fact to construct Hamas terrorist outposts and to dig terror tunnels. Another regular method of acquiring equipment for Hamas was to disguise Hamas warehouses as World Vision warehouses. Trucks bringing supplies to the Kerem Shalom Crossing between Israel and Gaza would unload their goods at Hamas warehouses instead of legitimate World Vision warehouses. Hamas operatives would pick up the supplies in the dead of night. (Israel Today)

WHAT HAPPENED TO WORLD VISION HUMANITARIAN AID DONATED FOR THE NEEDY RESIDENTS OF THE GAZA STRIP: According to Mohammed El-Halabi, the humanitarian aid donated for the residents of the Gaza Strip was in actual fact given almost exclusively to Hamas terrorists and their families. Non-Hamas members almost never received any benefit from the aid, despite their relative level of need. Every month, El-Halabi distributed thousands of packages of food, basic commodities and medical supplies to Hamas terrorists and their families, commodities that World Vision had intended to go to the needy. This humanitarian aid was diverted by El-Halabi to Hamas terrorists also during the conflict of summer 2014 [Operation Protective Edge]. During the fighting, the terrorists received food packages to sustain them above and below ground, including in terror tunnels. (Yossi Aloni/Israel Today)

MOHAMMED EL-HALABI USED HIS WORLD VISION POSITION TO EXPLOIT HIS VISITS TO ISRAEL TO ENGAGE IN TERRORIST ACTIVITY: Mohammed El-Halabi in addition to the financial and logistical aid that he provided to Hamas, also exploited his visits to Israel, which were permitted due to his legitimate work for World Vision, to engage in serious terrorist activity – locating and marking sites near the Erez Crossing that potentially could be used as egress points for Hamas attack tunnels. The investigation revealed much information concerning additional figures in the Gaza Strip who exploited their work in organizations, including humanitarian aid organizations and UN institutions, on behalf of Hamas. El-Halabi’s statements portray a troubling picture in which UN and other aid organizations in Gaza are in fact controlled by the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas. In summary, the facts uncovered during this important investigation illustrate, above all else, Hamas’ cynical exploitation of international humanitarian aid and resources donated by Western nations that are intended to aid needy residents of the Gaza Strip but which, in fact, are being diverted to Hamas for use in strengthening its terrorist and military capabilities. Hamas is harming the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, displaying, repeatedly, its destructive priorities. (Israel Today)

ISRAEL’S FOREIGN MINISTRY WARNS: HAMAS WORLD VISION SCANDAL DEEPER THAN IMAGINED: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director Dore Gold condemned the NGO World Vision’s transfer of funds to Hamas. In a published statement, Gold expressed his horror that “one of the largest charitable and humanitarian aid organizations in the world” gave “approximately $7.2 million to the military wing of Hamas. mainly to strengthen its terrorist arm.” “Hamas is closely linked to the security apparatus of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is seeking to spread its military influence through its Middle Eastern surrogates,” explained Gold, denying suggestions that money given to Hamas was used humanitarian purposes. “These funds were utilized to finance the digging of terror tunnels, the construction of military bases, and the purchase of weapons.” The global body of World Vision has denied any knowledge of wrongdoing. However, Israel revealed that local Gaza branch leader Mohammed El-Halibi was in charge of the operation. Gold estimates “that El-Halibi managed to transfer in the decade of his work at World Vision, tens of millions of dollars. At the very least, that means there was no supervision of his activities. Gold also warned that “the investigation revealed much information concerning additional figures in Gaza who exploited their work in humanitarian aid organizations and UN institutions, on behalf of Hamas.” (Arutz-7)

SHURAT HADIN; WE’VE BEEN WARNING ABOUT WORLD VISION FOR YEARS: The Shurat Hadin – Israel Law Center said 4 August 2016, that it had been issuing warnings for years that “funds provided to Gaza by Christian mega charity World Vision were being utilized for terrorism.” “In 2012, Tel Aviv based civil rights center Shurat Hadin notified the Australian government that its aid money being administrated by World Vision was being transferred to front charities of Palestinian terror groups in Gaza. Both the Australian government and World Vision denied Shurat Hadin’s warning,” the organization said. “In 2015, Shurat Hadin again cautioned the Australian government that World Vision was operating as an active arm of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and other terror groups. World Vision [Australia]’s chief executive, Tim Costello, vehemently denied the charges and claimed that WVA had ‘no interest in supporting terrorism.’” However, as of this week, Shurat Hadin’s warnings against WVA have been proven true. Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, president of Shurat Hadin, said: “For years we have been warning that World Vision is funding Palestinian terror groups in Gaza. Who knows how many of Hamas’ missiles and stabbing attacks were funded by World Vision after they were put on notice that there were financing Palestinian terror.” (J.Post)

AUSTRALIA SUSPENDS WORLD VISION’S PALESTINIAN AID: Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has suspended funding of World Vision programs in the Gaza Strip, after the head of the charity in Gaza was charged by Israel with providing funds to Hamas. DFAT said, “Any diversion of the generous support of the Australian and international community for military or terrorist purposes by Hamas is to be deplored and can only harm the Palestinian people.” (Guardian UK)

BRITISH DONATIONS TO CHRISTIAN CHARITY WORLD VISION WERE ‘USED TO BUILD A HAMAS TERRORIST BASE IN GAZA’: Millions of pounds donated to the Christian charity World Vision were secretly diverted to the Islamist group Hamas, including £60,000 from the UK that went to building a base for terrorist, Israel said on 4 August, 2016. Around 60% of the funds meant to ease suffering in the Gaza Strip were instead diverted to paying Hamas salaries and readying the group for war with Israel, according to Israel’s Intelligence agency, Shin Bet. World Vision denied the allegations but the case casts a harsh spotlight on one of the world’s biggest charities. The group has an annual budget of more than £2 billion and a roster of celebrity backers including Bill Clinton, Scarlett Johansson and Justin Bieber. (UK Telegraph)

The suggestions, opinions and scripture references made by JNN writers and editors are based on the best information received.


Is Mary Immaculate?

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Part 1: This teaching is a dogma within the Church of Rome; it is part of an article of faith by Pope Pius IX. The question is does this dogma agree with scripture?

Is Mary Immaculate?

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Part 1: This teaching is a dogma within the Church of Rome; it is part of an article of faith by Pope Pius IX. The question is does this dogma agree with scripture?

Killed in the name of “Allah”

Who’s Christ did this man belong to?


As a ministry, we are strongly opposed to Roman Catholicism, her priests, and nuns; we make no apologies about what is said here that this Antichrist Catholic priest whose name was Jacques Hamel tragically died as a result of an act of murder, what is even more tragic is he died an antichrist scripturally speaking.

Rome is not a Christian church and rejects the word of God as Gods authority and bases it upon tradition as its authority.

If we love Catholic people, we need to win them out of the imperialistic Roman Catholic Church and religious bondage called Roman Catholicism, we would be wise to take heed of the words of scripture that the heart is very deceitful and in light of events it is far easy to get caught up in the emotions when we are faced with troubling times, even more so we should exercise discernment as to who’s Christ is it that these people are representing?

If we give recognition that this man died in the name of Christ omitting the important distinctions then we are guilty of legitimising error and damnable heresies that Roman Catholicism truly represents.

This makes no difference even if we are opposed to Rome, we must never allow nor take it for granted that we allow our compassion as a means to ligitimise any impression that these events give’s, whether intentionally and unintentionally, be it out of the best intentions we must be ever so careful that we are not leading many into giving them an excuse in their pursuits for false unity and legitimising their compromising with Idolaters and those who lie about Christ, this does nothing other than to misrepresent his name in doing so leading many away from scriptural authority.

We should not be encouraging further mass ecumenical integration putting any distinction aside between the true Christian faith and False Christian belief, this is easy to do when we are distracted by the events that are in the world and we must be clearer and leave people without any doubts as to what the Biblical position is, and in all matters that we are faced with.

It is right to condemn the brutal and murderous acts that are carried out in the name of Islam. They defy the very commandments of Moses, who said thou shalt not kill and they claim to uphold the teachings of Moses, we some times get the correct and relevant information concerning those who are genuine believers in the evangelical churches across the world, who have not bowed the knee to Rome or Islam, but are persecuted for their faith, we should be praying for them.

These are not even Catholics but these Christian groups that are not be reported and brought to the attention of the churches in western Europe, the report says this Quote;

Turkey (MNN) — As if believers in Turkey didn’t have enough to deal with, evangelical leaders are now receiving death threats from ISIS.

“These threats are against Islamic converts to Christianity,” Rody Rodeheaver of International Needs explains.

“ISIS wants to make an example of them, and are threatening to do just that.”


What we read in the media concerning the catholic church almost causes us to forget where non-catholic believers are suffering for their faith in other parts of the world. We must also bear in mind that we have a responsibility to remember the persecuted believers in other countries as and when it is reported, according to Barnabas Fund:

(Not an endorsement)

Buddhist mob threatens to assault Sri Lankan pastor

A mob of around 100 people, led by two Buddhist monks, stormed the Sunday worship service of a church in Sri Lanka on 10 January and threatened to assault the pastor unless he stopped the service. And an authorised Christian burial in a public cemetery was disrupted despite a police protective presence.

“Who are you?” the mob shouted at the pastor of a church in Alawwa, in the Kurunegala District. “Is your church registered? In the event you continue this service we will physically assault you!” Several of the mob then attempted to attack a young female member of the church.

The previous Sunday, a villager had forced his way onto the church premises at around 9 am, during the Sunday worship service, and began to make a video recording of the service using his mobile phone.

When the church pastor attempted to file a complaint about the mob threats, the police officer in charge refused to lodge the incident. He told the pastor that he should stop all worship activities and said that the police would not provide the pastor or the church any protection.

A few days earlier in the neighbouring Puttalam District, a mob of Buddhist villagers began to gather in Serukele as a pastor was preparing to conduct a Christian burial at the village public cemetery at 9 am on 6 January.

Prior to the burial, a group of Buddhist monks had gone to the Assistant Government Agent’s office to complain against Christian burials in the public cemetery after they heard that local Christians were preparing a Christian burial there.

The pastor was denied permission to conduct the burial on the church premises, but police told the pastor to bury the body in a public cemetery close to the church. Police assured the pastor that they would provide protection during the burial.

Yet, in spite of police presence at the burial, villagers began to surround the cemetery. The police officer in charge arrived at the scene and told the pastor to conduct the burial in another village instead. Then, because Buddhist monks had protested, he then ordered the pastor to confirm in writing that he would not attempt to bury any more Christians in the public cemetery.

Sri Lanka’s constitution affords Buddhism “the foremost place”. Buddhist activists demand rights and privileges for their own powerful elite at the expense of other religions, and Christian pastors are frequently harassed by police and local Buddhist monks.

Christian widows in Kaduna state who have been supported by Barnabas <br />Fund

Friday Church prayer meeting attacked by Muslim mob in Abuja, Nigeria

On Friday 15 July, more than 100 Muslim extremist youths attacked a church on the outskirts of Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, as the church congregation gathered for a prayer meeting. According to local reports, the attackers shouted that “only Muslims have the right to pray on Friday” and “Christians are only allowed to worship on Sunday” before the mob began physically assaulting the Christians and causing damage to the church building. Friday is the Islamic holy day, the focal point of which is midday prayers at the mosque. Some of the Christians were badly beaten and it was reported that church windows and musical instruments inside the church were broken.

The attack occurred less than a week after a pastor’s wife was murdered, also in Abuja, and has led Christian leaders to call on Nigeria’s Muslim President, Muhammadu Buhari, to publicly condemn the recent violence against Christians: “To ignore the barbaric attacks on us in Abuja is a dangerous signal. Their silence gives the impression they don’t care what happens to us,” said one pastor.

A Kazakh house church in Mongolia was damaged in an attack

Explosives were thrown into the stove chimney of a Kazakh house church in Mongolia on the night of 27 December, just days after the local church had celebrated Christmas. “Believers decided not to come together for a while,” he said. “They [are] afraid of a repetition of the explosions in the homes of believers.”

Mongolian Kazakhs live mostly in the far-western Bayan-Ölgiy province, which borders China and Russia, and is close to Kazakhstan. In Bayan-Ölgiy province, Mongolian Kazakhs constitute around 80% of the population and are strongly influenced by Islamic traditions.

In Ölgii, capital of Bayan-Ölgiy province, the mosque is placed at an unusual angle within the fabric of the city, orienting the building exactly towards Mecca. The city houses a madrassa (Islamic religious school) and various Turkish and Saudi organisations. Top students who graduate in this area often continue their education in Turkey.

Mongolia as a whole is majority Buddhist, although there is a growing Muslim influence in the country’s capital city, Ulaanbaatar, where – with the help of the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency and other Muslim organisations – the city’s first Islamic Cultural centre was opened in 2010.

The Church in Mongolia is small but growing. Some estimate that over 4% of the country’s population is Christian. In capital city Ulaanbaatar, the first group of Christian believers was founded 16 years ago. Today, there are four Christian groups, numbering around 60 converts to Christianity in total.

Converts to Christianity endure a great deal of persecution and many Christians have been arrested by police. Local Muslims and police repeatedly disrupt Christian gatherings and threaten to burn their houses. According to the US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), some churches have reported great difficulty in obtaining the official registration that is required for religious groups to function legally.

Hebrews 13:3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

We must continue to pray for them and encourage them, I have often been guilty of neglecting this, but if anyone should shine through their faith, true faith is shown by those who are suffering for his name’s sake, these people are an example to all of us.

In spite of the rising threat of murderous Islamic extremists, we hold to the belief that faithful Catholics do not die for the same Christ as we read in Bible and they have not died in the name of the biblical christ, we must recognise those who have, Muslims will make no distinction concerning who is a Christian.

Muslims will even include the Jehovah’s witnesses and Mormons etc and describe them as Christians, they just hate christ, but they do not know what they are speaking about, we have many Christ’s who are in the world and many are false Christs, but they believe by killing, they are doing Allah a great service.

For bible based conservative evangelicals, we must realise for one Christian who is killed as Tertullian said The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.

In recent weeks of witnessing I have seen and heard of intimidation of preachers on the streets of our cities by Islamic extremists, who are spouting out venom and hatred towards both Jews and Christians.

Just the other day one such extremist stated that when Muslims pray in the mosques they pray against Jews and Christians.  (this was recorded on tape).  The followers of Christ, on the other hand, pray for their enemies that God would extend His mercy towards them, forgive them and save even them!

Whilst the extremists hate their enemies the followers of Christ love their enemies by doing as Christ taught:

Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.  For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?  And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?  Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5:43-48)

Pray for the street preachers that God may protect them, and enable them to withstand intimidation and threats by extremists of all shapes and hues, not just Islamic.

Although our preaching may be uncompromising and radical it must be tempered by an attitude of love.  There are those that speak peace and love with their mouths and yet hatred is in their hearts.  It is not what a person says that is important but what they do.  The follower of Christ is no deceiver, they do not have to go out of their way to prove anything, they simply get on with it and do as their Lord bids them.

We must preach and make no alliance with those who claim to be Christians but do not hold to the doctrines of Christ.

As the days and weeks lay ahead may be intense, we must still pray that the gospel will reach out to them.


Miguel Hayworth







Evangelism / Apologetics where has it gone


Evangelism / Apologetics – where has it gone?
The rise of internationalism and interfaith
– Mike Oppenheimer

We are watching a phenomenon, where many churches are becoming less salt and light. Among the many diminishing assets is the last command we were given; to go take the gospel and make disciples. What Jesus came to earth for was accomplished and we are to tell others this. He wants us to share in this joy of changing people’s destiny. But for many this has become more of chore than a joy.

You are to be a light to help others out of the darkness; you may be the only light they get to hear from (not just see). How far does your light reach?

I used to do street evangelism in Waikiki, and in the seedier parts of town, before I began this ministry. When street witnessing and preaching I used to tell people Jesus loves you; they would respond back “I know.” So I started to respond by saying “and He wants you to love him back.”

That turned a few heads and gave the nominal answerer something more to think about.

You see the gospel is only words until it becomes personal, and elicits a response. When they really hear, it can be a yea, or nay, but, it is never neutral. But many have made it neutral by telling others Jesus loves you without any qualifications.

In our time we have so many finding new, more tolerable ways to reach others with good news.

After all, we can’t offend anyone with Jesus’ words. Excuse me, but Jesus went around offending nearly everyone, especially the religious people because he told them the truth.

The gospel is now presented as God has an amazing plan for your life. Join him to have it materialize for YOU. This is plain flattery to have one make a decision. We read of Ananias when sent to Saul, “But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. “For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.” (Acts 9:15-16)

Suffer! Well, in our day you are no longer going to hear anyone give an invitation like “come to Jesus to have eternal life and suffer for his namesake, and have rewards after.” In fact, the ones who suffer are those who stand for the truth, the Word, and the gospel; they can suffer from their fellow “Christians” who tell them to keep quiet on what they see wrong, leave things alone.

As a practicing new ager, mixing the occult and other religious practices I was immediately offended when I heard the gospel explained to me correctly. I was directly told that what I was involved with as a new ager was wrong. That was the right thing to do. I was so open that anything could influence me; anything except the truth. That is the one thing I was not open to! Today we have Christians trained this way. They cannot receive the truth when someone is trying to help them back onto the narrow path that has strayed from by following a man’s teaching that was not correctly teaching the Bible.

Let me pause here to tell you a little about myself. I was brought up Jewish, on the Old Testament. I read the Bible, even the New Testament for years. But I could not grasp the crucifixion of Jesus, the gospel, and I reinterpreted his words by the new age teachers and books I learned from. After I was saved, (this June its 30 years). I read the Bible over and over again. Now given understanding by the Holy Spirit, my eyes were open. I was then compelled to keep others from being deceived like I was, being in the new age movement.

The next year we went to the Harmonic Convergence in Hawaii and filmed interviews with the new agers and witnessed to them. At the time, I was being exposed to various forms of Christianity, even the Latter Rain as I went to different churches and meetings. The year after that I began to attend lectures and take courses at the International Bible College through Dr. Fruchtenbaum and others ( Systematic theological teaching from knowledgeable men stabilized me from being influenced by the various teachings and how they conducted themselves at church.

Back then, it was a premiere college. The last course I took was on biblical archeology by Dr. Ron Youngblood, a pioneer in the field who since gone on to be with the Lord. Today the college is no longer functioning, and, it is Hawaii’s loss.

First and foremost in God’s will is (a) fulfilling the Great Commission, bringing people into abiding personal relationship with the Lord and (b), the secondary portion of Matthew 28:18-20 which is, as we go – make disciples. Teach them, train them, and equip them from the teachings of Christ and the apostles not by new revelation or prophecy. This means we must first know what the new covenant is; the gospel.

Bible education equips us to win the lost. Apologetics is part of this, it is the backbone of the church; it is a necessity as it equips people to defend the truth, and why there is a gospel. But, if you have not been taught this you will float, and be carried around by various winds of doctrine, which is what we see going on today. The church has put herself in a very bad position by ignoring the use of apologetics.

Everything that the church has held is being challenged. Its no longer are there spiritual gifts today, or is there a rapture (not just is it pre or post). These are minor compared to the fastest growing movement: kingdomizers, dominionism which ignores a Tribulation.

We are summoned and called to do a work (Eph.2:10) we are not to be sleeping, especially as the days get darker. We are to be awake. We are pilgrims, sojourners, aliens to this world. We should not get comfortable, nor should we try to establish Jesus’ kingdom before He returns. We should be building his kingdom in PEOPLE the way Scripture instructs, not His kingdom on

earth. There is a huge difference in these two concepts. Some are being taught that there is no need to wait for the kingdom when we can make it happen now! The Bible teaches His kingdom on earth will not come, it will not be produced until His return (Rev.19). And we return with him as glorified, immortal sinless beings ready to serve under Him in a new world, called the Millennium. This occurs after the Tribulation period. So the whole new apostolic movement of Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, the 7 mountain theory of YWAM is completely wrong.

Not only do we have strange doctrines being taught. Some cult groups seem tame compared to the unbiblical supernaturalism exhibited in some Charismatic Pentecostal churches. Division has come and the colors are becoming more contrast, but many still cannot distinguish them.

Nearly everyone has someone they know who is involved in some false spirituality, a cult, new age or false teaching in the church. They offer their church as THE WAY, they make a man THE

WAY. Today it has become easier to mislead than ever before. When the Church does not have

reasonable answers to people’s questions they will go to the cults who are more than willing to take the time to give an answer. That is what we see today.

We need to help exit them out. And when we do there is a transition time where one unlearns what was wrong and have it replaced by the truth. But even after eating poison (false teaching) for so long, eating the genuine food (the truth) can give them indigestion. One needs time to adjust to the new diet and absorb it for nourishment. Whether it Mormonism, Jehovah Witness or new age: contemplative prayer, or a crazed charismatic church that promotes a false spirituality in Jesus name. People need time to heal and begin to grow the right way. And that is where we all need to be involved: discipleship; which is genuine friendship.

Does contending for the faith have to be divisive?

Jesus said, “Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division” (Luke 12:51-53). His ministry brought division wherever He went (John 7:43; 9:16), separating those who wanted to pursue the truth from the error they learned by their religious leaders. There is no reason to repeat mistakes when we have the examples in the Scripture.

Separation becomes the issue in the end. It becomes a matter of one’s safety, for their survival. Why? Because Jesus, Paul, Peter, and John warned of false teaching becoming the norm from within. Biblical separation from false teaching is a matter of your survival.

There has always been a certain amount of discord and division in the Church; this is to be expected. 1 Corinthians 11:18-19 says, “For, in the first place, when you come together as a church, I hear that divisions (heresies) exist among you; and in part, I believe it. For there must also be heresies among you, in order that those who are approved may have become evident among you.”

To test by Scripture what is taught and practiced will give approval to those who correct in doctrine and helps us identify whom we are to separate from, who are wrong in doctrine.

The Apostle Paul also commanded believers, “Now I urge you, brethren, NOTE (identify) THEM who cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned; and avoid them. For those are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple” (Romans 16:17-18).

Paul did not say ignore them, he did not say don’t worry God will take care of them. He said YOU identify them and avoid them to be safe. And … we should tell others to avoid them as well. They are self serving, it is NOT about Jesus. They are feeding their own hunger by flattering people that are not on guard. You know the type, they tell you what great plans God has for you, that you as his child should get all the goodies, or don’t you want to be part of a church that is going to take over the world by doing miracles; or, that the god of the different cultures is the same God. This pig slop is everywhere today.

So we can understand from Scripture that Not all division is bad, sometimes it can be advantageous.

The word “church” comes from the Greek word “ekklesia” which means an assembly, “called out ones” from the world. Eph 4:3 indicates that the church is one body, not several – one and the same Spirit indwells all believers, no matter what denomination or non denomination (or no church you attend). We who believe and are in the new covenant have one Lord. This is a universal church that is not always seen by the eyes or gathered to meet.

Christ’s Spirit fills us as individuals and collectively as the church. We are living epistles of God’s grace to the world. The church grows by newborns, not by our buildings seen in the community but by the work done by individuals that have faith to obey giving the gospel.

Instead, we see churches following men as apostles of new Christianity; like those in the 60’s who followed Timothy Leary or Bhagwan as the apostles of enlightenment.

We are to be a group of people that contends for the faith in the face of opposition. We are to be different than those who want to be involved in all the popular trends that take place. We do not pick up their stale breadcrumbs from the ground but give them true bread from heaven.

As in Acts 2:42-47 We should be living “they continued in the Apostles’ doctrine and fellowship and the breaking of bread and prayers.”

One of our modern presidents was impeached for lying. What if the same process was applied to those behind the pulpit that is no longer spreading the truth? How do you think they would fare?

Who cares, right? After all, we have prophets that are justified at being 10-60% right. That’s what the Kansas City prophets taught (Mike Bickle, Bob Jones -deceased, Rick Joyner, Paul Cain); they will improve in time. We have had enough time to see that they are worse. The media protects the corruption of their political parties, and the Christian media (TV, magazines, even churches) do the same. Pastors and ministers protect the liars and connivers. Denominations, churches will back up a person, it does not matter what they do wrong or how off their teaching is if they are friends with them. I have seen this happen in numerous denominations, but there are always exceptions to the majority of those that ignore or ridicule Biblical truth.

The world is trying to produce a unity

Let us look at some of the changes being implemented here in America. John Kerry talked to graduates about a borderless world. Internationalists (globalists) want to remove borders; which affects the laws and sovereignty of a nation. Thus each nation loses its identity, history and what makes them unique. Globalists want to reshape the world, and nations are supposed to submit to some international law, including the US. America is slowly being turned into an international country as any type of nationalism is rejected. We are being led to join a globalist agenda and abandon our laws based on Scriptural principles to be replaced by UN laws. The only group of people who do not recognize other countries borders is Islam that wants a caliphate to rule over the world.

Again, everything that the Bible teaches is being challenged. We see this day to day in the news, from opening (erasing) borders to the sexes. God built a conscience of morality in man, and we are witnessing an open rebellion against our maker as we look to self, our feelings for the answers.

Officials from 11 states are suing the Obama administration, seeking to overturn a directive from the federal government that public schools should allow transgender students to use the bathroom matching their gender identity. The lawsuit accuses the federal government of overstepping its constitutional powers by taking actions that should be left to Congress or individual states.

The decisions for being a boy or girl to enter a bathroom of their choice because of how you feel on a particular day will certainly be expanded and applied in other areas. This is relativism gone amok, it changes reality itself.

Let me put this in terms we can understand. If one entertains themselves to be something they are not (i.e. not according to their birth certificate), then what is to hold this back from being applied elsewhere? What if I, as a student decided I want to be the teacher that day; whose to say

I’m wrong with the logic being applied? Let’s take it up a notch, What if I’m a general practitioner in medicine and decide to be a brain surgeon for a day to operate; on YOU? A bit discomforting to think about. This kind of thinking is now applauded as progressive thinking produced for a global tolerance. So if I decide to be a pilot (with no training) would you fly on the plane?

Teaching no more genders (nonbinary people; no longer he or she) turns into the abolition of the family, it brings confusion to our social structure, it is a revolution on societal norms, heading us in the direction of a cultural apocalypse. And the same attitude is being promoted inside the church, as they try to remove believers from biblical guidelines so they can form an unholy unity with foreign doctrines and those who do not have a spiritual union with the body of Christ.

This same concept is being spiritually applied by the interfaith or indigenous people movement, where all the cultures gods are accepted as the true God, no difference is distinguished of Jesus being the son of their cultures supreme god (as taught by Don Richardson, Daniel Kikawa). This universal god theorem removes any distinction of truth and falsehood. They are trying to make the false gods of the nations the true God (Father) of Israel. If this continues it will bring evangelism to a fast stop, as they are no longer considered false gods.

The new Christianity, will it fail or succeed?

“Together 2016” is An ecumenical event to be held on July 16 at the National Mall in

Washington featuring Hillsong United with renown evangelical and Catholic speakers and musicians. Confirmed speakers include Francis Chan, Ravi Zacharias, Josh McDowell, Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd and National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference President Samuel Rodriquez. Music will be provided by Michael W. Smith, Hillsong United, Lecrae, Kari Jobe, Jeremy Camp, Lauren Daigle, Casting Crowns, Kirk Franklin, Andy Mineo and Matt Maher, among others.

Both Christians and Catholics alike will be at the prayer and worship event.

Supporters of the event include The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the Luis Palau Association, CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Premiere Productions, the National Day of Prayer, YWAM, the American Bible Society and other organizations.

“Together 2016 is about laying aside what divides us to lift up Jesus who unites us,” organizer Nick Hall of PULSE told Christian News Network. “We are coming together in historic unity to pray for a reset for our nation.”

“Jesus said that His followers are family. We believe that it is time for a family gathering,” he also said in an official statement. “It’s not about what divides us, but about the one who unites us—Jesus. The world sees division. We can change that.”

Hall announced that Jorge Bergoglio, also known as Pope Francis, will be delivering a video message to those in attendance.

How do we become united with a different gospel of Jesus?

“Worship leader, Matt Maher, who identifies as a Roman Catholic, believes it is his calling to work toward to the unification of Christians and Catholics.”

“He said at OneThing 2015. “I think what the work of unity starts with [is]: It starts with us praying together. It starts with us fellowshiping together. It starts with us having a common respect for each other, a love for each other.”

No, that is where compromise starts; unity is indeed powerful and can be used for good or evil, look at the Tower of Babel for our example. God never calls us to compromise with error or falsehood but to separate from it. Respect is not the same as participation.

“Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries is a former Roman Catholic who now teaches evangelicals how to share the gospel with Catholics, said “Nick Hall either does not know the exclusivity of the gospel of God or he does not know the Roman Catholic plan of salvation because they are diametrically opposed,” “We’re divided on how one is born again: Rome says water baptism, the Bible says the work of the Spirit. We’re divided on how one is justified: Rome says faith plus works, the Bible says faith. We’re divided on how one is purified of sin: Rome says purgatory, the Bible says the blood of Jesus. We’re divided on the essentials of the gospel: Rome has other mediators, the Bible says it’s Christ alone,” he explained.

Gendron said that Jesus himself came to divide with truth, and prayed that His Church would be sanctified with that truth. “It was the Lord Jesus Christ who came to divide: He divides with His word and His gospel.”

We see this unity form naturally when we lay down our differences – God’s unity is supernatural, it is done by His Spirit, not man. This tolerance becomes the golden calf of the new religious /political order that is being implemented on all.

We can’t be eclectic, using other spiritual ways with The Way, which is also our truth and the life; even if they call it Christian. By doing this you are saying Jesus is not sufficient, and what He spoke is not necessary to adhere to.

What has this new openness given us?

Let me use our everyday news again. We now face an increase in diseases in America that were once eradicated. These are brought in by illegal immigrants who do not go through a proper screening process and are automatically put in with the public. The church is no different. We have illegal doctrines brought in that infect many because we do not use a screening process to judge what is right or wrong (truth or error). We have one; we just don’t use it. Why? For unity sake. We have convinced ourselves that this is loving our neighbor. So we avoid telling them the

error they are living in, that they are not abiding in the truth. Jesus was not some liberal

peacenik, he didn’t let challenges go, he directly disputed the people’s error openly.

If there is no one holding them accountable when they mislead others, where do you think this will end up? The same attitude working in politics and the church. There are people that have been inserted in our government that do not want America to be America the way it was made or intended. It is the same inside the church, they do not want it to be what it was intended to be from the beginning, they want it changed, changed into man’s image. They want a new foundation, with new apostles. They are removing the biblical borders in front of our eyes.

Those who want to change the church into a newer model are unsatisfied, they have no connection to Christ, except use his name. These “Illegals behind the pulpit” are allowed to stay no matter what kind of doctrinal crimes they commit. These false teachers who have not been called by God are protected by those who do not understand the issues because they are kept from becoming knowledgeable on them. Fear is used to keep them from using the Bible.

Politics has united with religion and the church, too many pastors act like politicians. The church is being run like our current congress. They think they know better, can do no wrong and they take no responsibility. This attitude has blinded them into an attitude that they are not there to serve the people. The church is about serving Christ, serving the people, not the pastor or any single man. Today we have those calling themselves Generals, prophets and apostles of a new era. These are authoritarians who lack true authority from Christ. They are the Nicolaitan’s who are ruling over the people; not serving them (Rev.2:6, 15). We now have an elite anointed class and the super elites. Servanthood is no longer part of the Christianity they teach.

You can’t be deceived by discerning teaching by the Scripture but you can be deceived by not discerning teaching. If you are really filled with the Spirit then you will be filled with the truth, and, you can tell truth from error, because the Spirit of God teaches you spiritual truth, NOT error. You will not compromise on the truth for friends or with those who claim to be leaders with an anointing. You will know when you are being lied to. Let me give you an example.

Kenneth Copeland’s meeting with pastors where he introduced the Pope to everyone and proclaimed the Catholic church believes what they do on salvation, that this Pope is our friend. Supposed Spirit filled charismatic leaders cheered and went along with this new deception that is to result in unity. All one has to do is listen to the Pope and what he teaches. He may be soft spoken, but when his words are measured against the word of God … clearly he is misleading those who listen. They need to understand the error they have wed themselves to.

The Old Testament is for our example, and Jeremiah continues to speak to the repetition of mistakes made today.

Jer. 12:4-6 “How long will the land mourn, and the herbs of every field wither? The beasts and birds are consumed, for the wickedness of those who dwell there, because they said, “He will not see our final end.” “If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, in which you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan? For even your brothers, the house of your father, even they have dealt treacherously with you; yes, they have called a multitude after you.

Do not believe them, even though they speak smooth words to you.”

Can a church reach out to those involved in other religious systems without answers? Can we reach out when there is no caring for the lost, or for those who are hurting among us? Can we survive without adhering to the word as our spiritual life? Can we survive when we bring other religious systems to be united with Christ?

May our God give us the wisdom to know what to stand for and the strength to stand.


May you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Mike Oppenheimer

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SYMF Marek Holowenko The Prophet Zephaniah


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Sulam Ya’aqov Messianic Fellowship Presents:  The Prophet Zephaniah – Marek is an elder at SYMF and has a teaching ministry for more information please goto:

Statement regarding Dr. Peter Ruckman’s death

Quote from a site exposing Ruckman

The Bible Baptist Bookstore website announced that Peter S. Ruckman died April 21, 2016.

This site will continue and will be updated from time to time with new articles, as there is no doubt that the false teachings and influence of Ruckmanism will linger for many decades.

It can be expected that Ruckmanites will try to shame those of us who warn about Ruckman’s false teachings by claiming that we are “not respecting the dead,” that we are unfair because Ruckman is “no longer around to defend himself,” etc.

However, false teachings need to continue to be denounced. The Biblical admonition to “mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them” (Rom. 16:17) still applies. The bookstore he founded and his followers will continue to promote Ruckmanism far and wide, hence the need to continue to “earnestly contend for the faith” (Jude 1:3).

Statement regarding Dr. Peter Ruckman’s death

I do not wish the death on anyone, but this webmaster is telling the truth about the extremist ruckmanite camp, what evil Ruckman committed to and the ruckmanites who are workmen for the devil himself, when I look at ruckman I do not see christ by looking at his fruit and the fruit of his followers who spout heresy, and worship the KJV bible such as the material, the cover and ink is God to the ruckmanite that is what they deify.

your site is one of the many sites that gives me a good reason why I will never accept anything that comes from this, hater of black people who racist, pro-abortionist, supporters of jew hating preachers like Tex Marrs and a sci-fi writer as peter ruckman is who spouts abominable things.

This hardly fits the profile of some one who is godley

God have mercy on his soul.

I will be sure to expose ruckman to my readers and visitors on this website


  • This is not a promotion of the Star of David, we give recognition, support to the Jewish people and for the nation of Israel.