Tim Mackie’s Bible Project, Is changing the nature of the gospel leading the unsuspecting youth in to gross error?

I had contacted the Bible project to ask them a question, only to receive a response that they are ill equipped to answer any of my questions, this has caused some great deal of concern so I had contacted them, not attempting to answer is not adhering to the biblical mandate that leaves no room or excuse or ignorance when it comes to the gospel itself.

Based on 1 PETER 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

I wanted clarity with regards to the video in  Luke’s gospel presentation, I wanted to be clear in making sure I have not misunderstood the presentation on Luke’s gospel, my query of the interpretation of Luke on the new Israel, I believe originated from W. E. Hull, “A Structural Analysis of the Gospel of Luke thesis, on the tribes of Israel disappearing, seems to contradict the book of revelations about Gods resorting the 12 tribes of Israel during the millennium,

The presentation would give the impression that the church replaces or supersedes Israel, as the new Israel making the natural branches redundant, we call Supersessionism, or the Church being the New Israel using Luke’s gospel to promote the idea that the New Covenant through Jesus Christ supersedes the Old Covenant, which was made exclusively with the Jewish people to correspond to Acts 28:28 “Therefore I want you to know that God’s salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!“, as interpreted by Pentecostal churches to mean for Luke the Church is the new Israel.

To the contrary, is this not about the growing numbers of believers in Jesus from among the Jews as shown in acts 2:24, Acts 4:4 and Acts 6:7? Were all Jews and a large number of Jewish priests”; as in Acts 21:20: depicted as “many thousands”. Would this not emphasis on Luke who went out of his way to stress that there was a number of Jewish believers in Christ who was found in Jerusalem amongst the deeply religious capital of the scribes and Pharisees in Judaism?

Does this promote a different message? as Luke not teach about Jesus creating a new Israel, but Paul affirming that Luke’s message to the Jewish believers is about the gospel of the kingdom as we read in Acts 28? 

I look forward to your answer?

In Christ

Miguel Hayworth

As i had no response i sent out the same question to them on facebook to this they responded.

Hi, Mig! Thank you for reaching out.

We really appreciate that you’ve engaged with our content and have questions! Unfortunately, our audience engagement team is not equipped to discuss in-depth theology questions on a case by case basis. While we value the significance of your question, we are not able to address it specifically.

Our primary role is to help our audience navigate the collection of creative resources we have produced. We realize the inevitability of questions emerging from particular ideas and themes, but these inquiries are great conversation starters with people in your local spaces — at church, a small group, or a gathering of likeminded friends.

I hope this helps, Mig ! Please let us know if you need any other help engaging our content library.

I did respond to there response to me.

Curious, If there is no clarity on the subject as you cannot answer the question if this is influencing and points to accepting the idea of replacement/supersentional theology, it would change the nature of the gospel in light of the Jewish believers in throughout the new testament, how does this content be of benefit to children’s spiritual maturity as it would impact children’s spiritual growth in nature?

I understand this is used to stair up discussion on content subjects.

I’m saddened that this cannot be made clearer, based on your illustrated videos, can you provide any information as to what are the source reference materials are used to formulate such an explanation? In light to the videos created with regards to the gospel of Luke as this is technically teaching material.

With the highest due respect, Unless I can examine what is explained, how can I exercise as Paul taught about the Bereans. We are encouraged to study the scriptures so that we know we are not being intently or unintentionally mislead or deceived, if not what purpose is the videos used for discussion?

If your not able to answer can you forward someone senior who is able to answer my questions.


The Bible project has not responded to this subject about the nature of the gospel with regards to the gospel of Luke, meaning that Proff Tim Mackie and is showing himself to be biblically ignorant, to make such a statement that the gospel of the kingdom is in reference to Christ and his church being in error, is in danger of teaching gross heresy through its video illustrations and with regards to the gospel of Luke, it downplays the gospel with respect to Jewish people or believing Jews, it also opens whole project to other errors to which the Bible project does not apply correction.

My advice would be that the gospel project should know the subject matter before influencing people in believing in a badly constructed message, that Jesus created the new Israel, this is not mention anywhere in the context of scripture.

I leave the Bible project with my comment, it is advised that we should not add confusion or change the nature of the scriptures

“And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Rev. … 22:18–19.)

God Bless


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  • This is not a promotion of the Star of David, we give recognition, support to the Jewish people and for the nation of Israel. http://www.letusreason.org/Juda9.htm