Statement regarding Dr. Peter Ruckman’s death

Quote from a site exposing Ruckman

The Bible Baptist Bookstore website announced that Peter S. Ruckman died April 21, 2016.

This site will continue and will be updated from time to time with new articles, as there is no doubt that the false teachings and influence of Ruckmanism will linger for many decades.

It can be expected that Ruckmanites will try to shame those of us who warn about Ruckman’s false teachings by claiming that we are “not respecting the dead,” that we are unfair because Ruckman is “no longer around to defend himself,” etc.

However, false teachings need to continue to be denounced. The Biblical admonition to “mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them” (Rom. 16:17) still applies. The bookstore he founded and his followers will continue to promote Ruckmanism far and wide, hence the need to continue to “earnestly contend for the faith” (Jude 1:3).

Statement regarding Dr. Peter Ruckman’s death

I do not wish the death on anyone, but this webmaster is telling the truth about the extremist ruckmanite camp, what evil Ruckman committed to and the ruckmanites who are workmen for the devil himself, when I look at ruckman I do not see christ by looking at his fruit and the fruit of his followers who spout heresy, and worship the KJV bible such as the material, the cover and ink is God to the ruckmanite that is what they deify.

your site is one of the many sites that gives me a good reason why I will never accept anything that comes from this, hater of black people who racist, pro-abortionist, supporters of jew hating preachers like Tex Marrs and a sci-fi writer as peter ruckman is who spouts abominable things.

This hardly fits the profile of some one who is godley

God have mercy on his soul.

I will be sure to expose ruckman to my readers and visitors on this website


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