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In a 1987 publication by John Wimber, “Riding the Third Wave” ISBN: 0 551 01548 9 (Published by Marshall Morgan and Scott Publications in UK and Zondervan in the US) author Kevin Springer compiled a selection of chapters contributed by various leading members of the “Third Wave Movement.” Of which John Wimber of the Vineyard Movement is credited with being one of the leading lights.
Besides John Wimber, there are contributions by C. Peter Wagner (Global Harvest Ministries), Jack Deere, Terry Virgo (New Frontiers), David Pytches (New Wine), Murrey Robertson (President of the Baptist Churches of New Zealand), Tom Stipe (Senior Pastor of Crossroads Church of Denver ) and Jackie Pullinger (St Stephen’s Society) amongst others.
In her chapter, entitled, “Chased by the Dragon” she speaks of her meeting in the early 1980’s with John Wimber, who she had flown out to meet. She recounts how that her first encounter was a tearful one as she had left Hong Kong where her ministry had been suffering some problems. She recounts how that John Wimber declared that she had “a curse over her,” which had been “a curse spoken by a Christian.”
She speaks of her receiving “about thirty hours of prayer,” during which time she learned, “much about praying for the sick and inner healing,” as she was prayed for herself.
It is as a result of this contact that she credits much of the change that occurred in her ministry when she returned to Hong Kong.
Pullinger has had firsthand experience in the third wave, and a lot of her influences came from the charismatic renewal, this then boosted her ministry and had led many in China into the teachings and practices of John Wimber, Pullinger explains how her experiences had led her to where she is today page 233 (Riding the third wave) “ My relationship with the Holy Spirit has been similar. In retrospect I see him working a desire for his fellowship in me and even causing me to experience signs and miracles long before I understood the power available. Appropriating the power later was important, but even more important was learning how to walk in it.”
Here doctrine has no place for Pullinger, as she is more interested in experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit, in [1] (Matthew 13:24-43) this says in which the good seed sown by God grows alongside the tares (weeds) sown by his enemy (Satan). Both grow together until the harvest when they are separated with the wheat being gathered into barns, and the weeds are thrown into the fire to be burnt. It is interesting that there is a form of weed, which grows in Israel, and looks almost identical to wheat, but contains no nourishment and so is useless for food. Jesus also warned that “false prophets and false Messiahs will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect — if that were possible.” (Matthew 24:24 — see also Matthew 7:15-23).
This takes me back to John Kilpatrick [2] “God sent pandemonium in the church,” he said. “I think it’s time that we have grand pandemonium in the Baptists, in the Lutheran, the Episcopal, the Assembly of God [churches]. God send pandemonium!” Kilpatrick exclaimed. (The Brownsville/ Pensacola Outpouring. Revival or Pandemonium?, Matt Costella, Staff Writer ©FOUNDATION Magazine, March-April 1997)
“Let me tell you something else about this revival,” Kilpatrick said. “This move of God is not about preaching.” He said that while he and evangelist Steve Hill do preach sermons that are simple and easy to understand, the signs and miracles are what turn people to Christ, not the Word of God. “We’ve heard so many sermons and so much of the Word of God that we’ve grown fat,” he said, “but there’s been no power and no anointing and no miracles. So, I just want to tell you; that’s why tonight I don’t feel bad about not coming up here and preaching a great sermon.” (The Brownsville/Pensacola Outpouring. Revival or Pandemonium?, Matt Costella, Staff Writer ©FOUNDATION Magazine, March-April 1997)
Kilpatrick said that those who question this outpouring of the spirit are just accustomed to the status quo and are afraid of anything “new” that comes along. He explains: “See, we’ve become so used to the abnormal that now that the normal has come it seems abnormal.” These strange signs, wonder’s and manifestations are the norms, according to Kilpatrick. (The Brownsville/Pensacola Outpouring. Revival or Pandemonium?, Matt Costella, Staff Writer ©FOUNDATION Magazine, March-April 1997)
Kilpatrick himself seems unsure at times what these supernatural powers are, but he concludes that they must be the “glory of the Lord.” He often describes a phenomenon that occurred either to him personally or to the entire congregation and prefaces it by saying, “I don’t know what it was.” He then continues by either saying, “I believe it was God,” or “I think it was the glory of God.” He has no basis for this assumption, but, for some reason, he concludes that these manifestations and feelings are of God even though they can be found nowhere in God’s written Word. (The Brownsville/Pensacola Outpouring. Revival or Pandemonium?, Matt Costella, Staff Writer ©FOUNDATION Magazine, March-April 1997)
I would like to note that there was a statement made (by John Kilpatrick) that in these latter days that preaching and simply teaching the word was no longer sufficient, the Spirit had to get involved, through signs and wonders due to the much sin that abounded. This is unscriptural. If I’m not mistaken the Holy Spirit is involved in the preaching, and teaching of the word, and that it was through the foolishness of preaching that men would come to know the Lord (1 Cor 1:18-25). This passage also states that Christ is the power and wisdom of God. (Robert C. Gray, 1996)
On page 235 (Riding the third wave) “I concluded that this stuff was only for advanced Christians as I’d heard that my two spiritual mentors in England, David Watson and David MacInnes, Anglican Ministers, had miraculous gifts. I was told they had the gift of tongues and gifts of healing. But I was also told that one must not discuss it.”
There is more to David Watson and David Macinnes than Jackie Pullinger cares to discuss.
Who is David Watson?
[3] David Watson, a British charismatic leader, died from cancer in 1984, A corollary of this is that for Christians, death is a defeat. This, in fact, is what Wimber claimed about the death of David Watson, the British charismatic leader, despite (Wimber’s) repeated prayers for healing.
There is no place in Wimber’s theology for seeing death as positive, as going to meet the Lord, or for godly dying, in which Christians look forward to peace to being with Christ and their departed loved ones. (Cf. David Watson, Fear No Evil: One Man Deals With Terminal Illness (Wheaton, IL: Harold Shaw Publishers, 1985 as cited by Paul G. Heibert in Healing And The Kingdom)
What John Wimber promoted and taught regarding power healing seemed to have had no effect even on Wimber himself. Signs & Wonders Movement, author of “Power Healing” Wimber claimed, “It’s God’s nature to heal not to teach us through sickness. Sickness is not beneficial.” (Benn and Burkill, p. 102 as cited by Paul G. Heibert in Healing And The Kingdom)
And even John Wimber, who would be probably the most prominent modern contemporary Third Wave healer, struggles with chronic angina and heart problems. He begins his book on Power Healing with a personal note. This is what it says; quoting John Wimber, he says, “I had what doctors later suspected were a series of coronary attacks. When we returned home a series of medical tests confirmed my worst fears, I had a damaged heart, possibly seriously damaged. Tests indicated that my heart was not functioning properly, a condition complicated and possibly caused by high blood pressure. These problems combined with my being overweight and overworked meant that I could die at any time.” (John McArthur, Does God Still Heal, Grace Community Church in Panorama City, California, transcribed from the tape, GC 90-60, titled “Charismatic Chaos” Part 9)
Wimber ultimately died from a haemorrhage as a result of a long battle with cancer. He too was medically treated – no “power” healing for him, only chemotherapy.
Pullinger refers to David Watson as her spiritual mentor, seems that David Watson was anything but a spiritual mentor, David Watson was a compromiser and a deceiver. David Watson in 1980 was one of the first people to welcome Wimber into the UK. This encouraged the connection between Wimber and Terry Virgo of Newfrontiers that ensued. (Terry Virgo No Well-Worn Paths (Eastbourne: Kingsway, 2001) 149)
Watson was a leading figure in Britain’s Charismatic Renewal movement. He was also an advocate of Christian unity, leading numerous ecumenical missions throughout the world. Among Watson’s many books are Discipleship, an autobiography entitled You Are My Lord, and an account of his struggle against cancer entitled Fear No Evil.” Obituary Notice, The Times, February 21, 1984.
According to the book. Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Burgess, S. M. and McGee, G. B. 1990 Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988; with corrections 1990, 914 pages:
Listing members of the Three Waves of mainstream church renewal, “Concise biographies include those of David Barrett, Reinhard Bonnke, Don Basham, John Bertollucci, Jamie Buckingham, Yonggi Cho, Larry Christenson, Andrae Crouch, Nicky Cruz, John Alexander Dowie, David du Plessis, Tom Forrest, Terry Fullam, Kenneth Hagin, Michael Harper, Jack Hayford, Tommy Hicks, Peter Hocken, Melvin Hodges, Walter Hollenweger, George and Stephen Jeffreys, Kathryn Kuhlman, Killian McDonnell, Francis McNutt, Aimee Semple McPherson, Ralph Martin, Bob Mumford, Edward O’Connor, T L and Daisy Osborn, Agnes Ozman, Charles Parham, David Pytches, Kevin and Dorothy Ranaghan, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Michael Scanlan, William Seymour, Chuck Smith, Russell Spittler, Cardinal Suenens, Peter Wagner, David Watson, David Wilkerson, Rodman Williams, John Wimber, Maria WoodworthEtter, Thomas Zimmerman and others.”
David Watson and ecumenism.
The Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches reports: [4] Anglican minister David Watson once remarked that, “This break with Rome (the Reformation), although probably inevitable due to the corruption of the time. Unfortunately, this led to split after split within the Body of Christ, with the result that the mission of the Church is today seriously handicapped by the bewildering plethora of endless denominations … a torn and divided Christianity is, nevertheless, a scandal for which all Christians need deeply to repent” (David Watson, I Believe in the Church). This call to be one undergirds the desire of many in CM to see the streams of the Church come together.
David Watson and the Toronto Blessing.
[5] (in October 1984), “at the invitation of David Watson. As Vicar of the leading charismatic Anglican church, St. Michael le Belfrey in York, Watson has been in touch with Wimber since 1981 and has helped him make the major impact on other Anglican congregations. These have included St. Andrew’s Chorleywood (->), whose Vicar, David Pytches, was formerly Bishop of Chile, Bolivia and Peru, St. Thomas Crookes in Sheffield, St. John’s Harborne in Birmingham and Holy Trinity, Brompton, in London. The last of these centres will become especially significant in the development of the Toronto Blessing a decade hence (->). ”
“As they catch up with his latest tour in Vancouver and Ohio, the Arnotts are deeply impressed by Wimber’s character and methods and are especially drawn to his emphasis on empowering every believer for ministry. As a result, shortly afterwards, they and their Stratford congregation begin informally relating to the Vineyard.”
[Patrick Dixon’s updated reflections on TTB are presented in Section II of this book].
“In the same issue of CEN, Mike Fearon’s interview with Graham Cray is extracted from A Breath of Fresh Air (?), with new, unpublished material added. Cray is now Principal of the evangelical Anglican theological college Ridley Hall, Cambridge, but was previously Vicar of St. Michael le Belfrey, York – the Anglican church from which David Watson did so much to promote charismatic renewal in the 1970s.”
Who is David Macinnes?
Another Mentor of Jackie Pullinger is David MacInnes,
[6] David MacInnes had involvement in the charismatic renewal [7] this eventually led to HTB running the Alpha Course “Charismatic evangelicals look to the late David Watson, for many years vicar of St Michael-le-Belfry, York, as a founding figure. Watson and David MacInnes (recently retired Rector of St Aldate’s Oxford) were mentored by their training incumbent, John Collins, who later laid the foundations for transforming Holy Trinity Brompton. Currently, Charismatics look to Graham Dow, Bishop of Carlisle, Graham Cray, Bishop of Maidstone, Sandy Millar and Nicky Gumbel, vicar and curate at Holy Trinity Brompton. A key lay person is Ken Costa, churchwarden and Holy Trinity, Brompton. Focal theologians include (Please Refer to my Hope 08 article on J. John, [8]) Mark Stibbe, vicar of St Andrew’s Chorleywood and Christopher Cocksworth, principal of Ridley Hall, Cambridge.
Their Church of England ‘agencies’ are Alpha (founded at Holy Trinity Brompton) and New Wine Network (wider than Anglican but originating from St Andrew’s Chorleywood) and Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA) being the equivalent of their World Mission Agency.”
The Charismatic Renewal
Wikipedia states, [9] This was started by the Roman Catholic Church so that participants in the Renewal also cooperate with non-Catholic Christians in providing a common witness for evangelization, as encouraged by the Catholic Church. In March 1992, Pope John Paul II stated,
“At this moment in the Church’s history, the Charismatic Renewal can play a significant role in promoting the much-needed defence of Christian life in societies where secularism and materialism have weakened many people’s ability to respond to the Spirit and to discern God’s loving call. Your contribution to the re-evangelization of society will be made in the first place by personal witness to the indwelling Spirit and by showing forth His presence through works of holiness and solidarity.”
The Religion-Cults website also states [10] “This goes back to 1967 when a handful of students and University theology professors from the DuQuesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, got together for a retreat weekend. From there it spread to the university campuses of South Bend, Ind. and East Lansing, Mich. in 1968.
Many believe that this Charismatic Renewal is a direct result of Pope John XXIII prayer at Vatican II, “O Holy Spirit… pour forth the fullness of your gifts… Renew your wonders in this day as by a new Pentecost”.”
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal centres on the renewal of individual commitment to the person of Jesus Christ in His Church, through the power of the Holy Spirit, as in the day of Pentecost of Acts 2.
The individuals in the Charismatic Renewal believe that they have been “filled” or “baptised” with the Holy Spirit, often through the laying on of the hands. The signs of the “baptism” or “filling” may include joy, the gifts of speaking in tongues or glossolalia, resting in the Spirit or slaying in the Spirit, prophecy, healing, interpretation of tongues, discernment of spirits… the nine spiritual gifts of 1Cor.12:8-10.
Accomplishments and Ecumenism:
“Ecumenism: The Charismatic Movement have unequivocally proved to be a united feature among the different groups of Christianity. However, it has been hardly criticised by leaders of the main Protestant denominations and Catholics, most often for misunderstandings of the meanings of the baptism with the Spirit, the glossolalia, the Resting in the Spirit, the practice of the gifts of the Spirit… and sometimes just for jealousy of its explosive success… a jealous one dared to say, “the charismatic movement is a catalyst for building the ecumenical one-world church of the Antichrist” when is exactly the opposite, it is building bonds of unity in the different groups of the Church of Christ!”
(Citation “Many Christians state should we not be more loving?”)
Religion-cults states: in ecumenism people have “More love and understanding of the Bible. Every Charismatic, both laymen and religious, all of a sudden read more often the Holy Scriptures with a deeper sense of life in the Word of God.
Religion-cults also states: Music: The Charismatic Renewal has produced good soft and joyful music.
So what has exactly Jackie Pullinger achieved?
Page 238 (Riding The Third Wave) “Our drive for ‘purity’ meant people who fell back into sin were excluded from our fellowship. But this created a disastrous situation for the ministry: in the end, I had nowhere to bring new converts.
Page 239 (Riding The Third Wave) The charismatic ministry interlude had been exciting, fruitful, and promising. But now it seemed we had done it, knew it all, and it had become damp and soggy. We had settled for another dispensation.
Jackie Pullinger introduced to John Wimber.
The end of Page 239 (Riding The Third Wave) “Then my friend Nicole went to spend a week in California. She returned and told me of John Wimber’s ministry and teaching on healing. I was not impressed with what she said
(page 240) (Riding The Third Wave) because, after all, we prayed for the sick too and a few, occasionally, got well. But the more she told me, the more I sensed a stirring in my spirit.
John Wimber taught on healing. He had models and demonstrations. Now it seemed to me that if everyone we prayed with received the gift of tongues because we took the time to explain and teach them in a relaxed manner, then we could learn from others who were experienced in other areas of ministry like healing.
(Citation John Wimber meets Jackie Pullinger and asks,) “How’s the work, Jackie?” asked John that first evening in the United States.
‘What Work?’ I muttered, and my eyes filled with tears as I wondered if there would be anyone at all left in our fellowship to return to ten days later.
‘I’m sorry, but I know you have a short time here, and I want to help you’, said John (How did he know? I thought.)
([11] Citation, please see my page on the Vineyard movement) That night several Vineyard Leaders came together, and I was invited to join them. Toward the end of the evening, we prayed for each other. One by one as they ministered to they began to cry, some of them deeply with racking sobs. I’m not going to do that, I thought. Even though until then my experience of the spirit had been incredibly powerful, at the same time it was without the show of emotions. But I did cry, and my back felt warm as Bob Fulton laid his hand on it. I had an injured shoulder that was screaming with pain.
Who is Bob Fulton?
[12] Bob Fulton, is the international coordinator of the Vineyard International Consortium [13] Ed Tarkowski writes concerning Bob Fulton, “I had brought this message of new beginnings to our AVC National Board and Council meeting in November of 1993 at Palm Springs. Then the Lord confirmed this word in the hearts and minds of our national leadership. They laid hands on Bob Fulton and me and they blessed us to go, and stir up the church.”
This goes back to what John Wimber said in a newsletter
In a recent newsletter, Wimber reported that on 27 occasions God confirmed to him that he should go to the nations in what would be “a season of new beginnings.” He believes God was saying, “I’m going to start it all over again. I’m going to pour out my Spirit in your midst like I did in the beginning”. He writes,
“But I looked at myself (suffering from cancer), and I’m out of energy. In my spirit I was just murmuring “Oh God, oh God.” And at that point (mid January) the Lord gave me a word. I heard myself say: Shall I have this pleasure in my old age? The very words that Sarah laughingly said to herself when she overheard the LORD say she was going to have a son from her 90-year-old womb by her 100-year-old husband. (Gen. 18:10). This was a word of life from the Lord, and it touched me deeply.
Jackie Pullinger explains her encounter with “The Spirit” On page 241 (Riding The Third Wave) The spirit keeps coming on you and lifting off then lifting off then coming again’, Bob Said I was unused to his terminology, but it felt a warmth come in waves.
This is nothing but mysticism, Jackie goes on, “After about thirty minutes John Said ‘She can’t take any more; there’s a curse over her. I can see it. It’s a “Christian Curse” (a curse spoken by a Christian). It’s words spoken over her that are not true. I can see it as a tight band over her forehead.’
John suggested I received further prayer that week for my shoulder and so I went to every meeting I could. I must have received about thirty hours of prayer, learning much about praying for the sick and inner healing as I was prayed for myself.
In his article “Divination Finds Further Expression in the Evangelical Church” Orrel Steinkamp observes:[15] “In tracing a genealogy of Christian inner healing and imaginative prayer, it is the atheist psychologist Sigmund Freud whose teaching is foundational. It was Freud who taught that there is in everyone a deep unconscious mind and that the answer to emotional health is to uncover this hidden unconscious mind, endeavouring to reveal it and heal it. According to Freudian doctrine, everyone represses the traumas of childhood. In this repression, we forget events because they are just too horrible to contemplate. We cannot remember these forgotten events by the normal process of conscious memory. If, however, we can regress the person by certain psychological techniques, we can find the cause of many of our current problems that secretly have stemmed from these buried memories. It was this Freudian teaching that gave rise to the current practice of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.
“Christianized” inner healing internally regresses a person into his/her past and, by various mystical and outright shamanistic procedures, then introduces the “actual, real, living Jesus” within the person’s altered state of consciousness. By this procedure, the past mystically becomes the present. This conjured Jesus figure will not only heal the past but will change the facts of history to bring about the desired healing.”
Richard Foster in his popular book Celebration of Discipline, in the chapter on “Meditation,” reflects the influence of Agnes Sanford and promotes a form of visualisation prayer. Brooks Alexander observes:
“In his study guide (1983) Foster adds a decidedly unbiblical ending. He suggests that die imagery we have created can come alive to us and become a point of contact for a literal encounter with the Living Christ.”4
In 2001 Kevin Reeves in “Charismatic Cultism” stated [16] “When John Wimber officially introduced inner healing, and wild manifestations blamed on the Holy Spirit, he was generally welcomed with open arms, even among some evangelical churches. And this despite his crediting such people as Morton Kelsey (who called Jesus a shaman who passed on psychic powers to His disciples) with offering Wimber wisdom in developing his spiritual approach. New Age thought had finally gained acceptance in the Church.”
John Goodwin writes concerning inner healing.
[17] “A special form of healing known as Inner Healing has become widespread in many Christian circles; however, this practice has no scriptural basis and opens up participants to dangerous Occult influence. F.V. Scott notes that “This practice is used by a pastor or counsellor to ‘heal the memories’ of those having emotional or spiritual problems. Advocates believe that by taking a person back into the past, using meditation or visualisation, Jesus Christ can enter that past traumatic event and ‘heal’ it. Wimber, in his book Power Healing; refers to it as a process, a step-by-step practice that can be learned by any Christian if certain guidelines are followed.” 67 This concept has been known for years in psychological circles as regression therapy and in Occult circles as reliving a past life, remote viewing or astral projection (a person projects forward or backwards in time is only one component). Wimber castigates the church and glorifies secular psychology in his defence of inner healing stating “the connection between sin and sickness is being brought to our attention again remarkably, not by the Church, but by psychologists and doctors who recognise that much, if not most, physical sickness has an emotional component.”
In a CIB Bulletin Dave Hunt deals with the blending of psychology and Christianity. He relates, “Christ did not say, if you continue in my word…you shall know part of the truth, and you shall be made partially free. There is more truth yet to be revealed through godless humanists that will liberate future generations more completely than I can now free you through my Word and my Spirit alone.’ Yet that is the teaching of ‘Christian psychology.’ InCan You Trust Psychology (p.97) Gary Collins writes: ‘The Bible speaks to human needs … But God in his goodness also has allowed us [Freud, Jung, et al] to discover psychological truths about human behavior and counseling that are never mentioned in Scripture but are consistent with the written Word of God and helpful to people facing the problems of modem living’.” 69 This is another example of the subtle redefinition whereby biblical no longer means derived from God’s Word, but derived elsewhere, then declared to be“consistent” with Scripture.
Regarding his psychology of inner healing, Wimber says “As these kinds of painful memories arise, I encourage the person to understand that Jesus was with them through it all, that now they may extend forgiveness. In other words, I reinterpret their experience in the light of God’s purpose.” 70 It is most difficult to understand “that Jesus was with them through it all” if the person is “being healed” of something which happened before they became a Christian. This moves us into the New Age “gospel of Schuller which states that “The Christ spirit dwells in every human being whether the person knows it or not.” 7l There is no biblical reference for this concept which is Jungian. Both Agnes Sanford and Moron Kelsey have drawn heavily from Jung, and John Wimber, in turn, draws from all three of these sources. Wimber’s executive senior pastor at Vineyard Anaheim at the time was Sam Thompson, a psychologist with heavy input for John Wimber on a daily basis.
Wimber relates that inner healing “is something that is new to the fellowship and we do not have a great deal of understanding of it yet.” 72 Despite this, he advocates using it to determine the “purpose” of God in someone’s life and to “reinterpret” their experiences. New or old, the practice is not found in Scripture, which instead tells us to recognise our new life in Christ. (2 Cor.5:17; Phil.3:13- 14; Col. 2:9-10, 3:1-3; Titus 3:5-7; Rom.12:2; Lk.9:62; Matt.11:28; Ps.103:11-12; 1 Jo.1:9).”
Jackie Pullinger 242 (Riding The Third Wave) “But each time I went to a meeting my pain became more acute until I was actually screaming. (I, who had been afraid to sob) When John heard about it he said it was time to fix it and so he and others prayed against the curse and broke it. My shoulder was healed and pain-free. ‘And never do that again’, Bob instructed me quite angrily. ‘You were under bondage, but you allowed yourself to be. Never again give away your ministry.’”
When Jackie arrived back to Hong Kong she said Page 242 (Riding The Third Wave) “We taught on healing, Inviting the Holy Spirit to come and minister in our gatherings.”
[18] A report concerning Jackie’s involvement with the Toronto Blessing.
“I thought while even in deception at this time that the TACF had become Looney bins! This was purportedly first received by Carol Arnott and then given to the ones holy enough to receive it! Another thing was the golden fillings in the teeth. We had people in our assembly peeping down one another’s throats looking for the gold fillings that God had placed there to show how much he loved them! In all my time there I only heard one message on repentance given by a visiting speaker from Hong Kong named Jackie Pullinger. It went over like a lead balloon. We were not there to repent; we were there to party in the Lord!”
On the Endtime Prophetic Words blog: [19] R. T Kendall & Jackie Pullinger-To Appear with John Paul Jackson
“It is incredible that some formerly pretty ’sound’ and well-respected people of God are now appearing alongside John Paul Jackson at the Detling Summer Conference (started today)!
http://www.detling.com/events/detling/speakers.php Other speakers there include Eric Delve and Wayne Malcolm. RT Kendal has been seduced by the Kansas City Prophets (to which the slick John Paul Jackson is aligned) and the Toronto Blessing experience (linked to the false KC prophets) since about 1990 so no major shocks there (though sad he has not seen through them yet). And it is no real surprise to me either that Jackie Pullinger-To, because of her links with YWAM et al., has embraced questionable prophets and questionable practices over the years. What a tragic shame. Tragic. As well as tragic for the flock seduced by this crowd this week.
The alpha website states: [20] Jackie Pullinger promotion of the Ecumenical Alpha Course “I have met many unlikely people from different backgrounds who have been profoundly changed through attending this course.”
AD 2000 states: [21] Jackie Pullinger speaks at an ecumenical conference, “GCOWE ’95 Jackie Pullinger, one of the most compelling speakers on behalf of the world’s poor urban dwellers, issued an emotional appeal to the audience to cry out on behalf of the silent and the down- trodden of the world’s cities, which by the year 2000 will contain approximately half the world’s population.
“I come to you on behalf of the drug addicts and refugees from other parts of the world,” she said. “Women who are locked in homes, beat by their fathers, raped by brothers and yet forbidden to cry. Will GCOWE ’95 delegates hear their unspoken cry of pain and weep with them?”
“If you will go to the worst places,” she said, “you must see they are the easiest, not the hardest. For where sin doth much abounds, there does grace abound so stark! Don’t let them know you are after their souls. They can smell that. If they catch from any of us the fact that we’re tracking numbers, why should they listen? They don’t want to be a number on a chart.They want to be loved. They want to be cared for.”
Pullinger appealed to delegates not to regard those working among the poorest of the poor, like her, as undertaking “speciality ministries.” Her point: the poorest of the poor are likely to be the main focus of city ministries as the millennium approaches.”
[22] Jackie Pullinger is supported by ecumenist Nicky Gumbel
Jackie Pullinger (middle) met Nicky Gumbel (left) at the first Hong Kong Alpha Conference in 1998
Jackie Pullinger is ecumenical.
[23] According to the Alpha Partners Report, Jackie Pullinger and worship leader Tim Hughes joined Nicky Gumbel and 2,000 Chinese pastors in Hong Kong for the Global Chinese Alpha Conference in April.
Demonstrating Alpha’s ecumenical appeal, the conference was formally opened by Roman Catholic Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun and the Anglican Archbishop Paul Kwong.
Pastors attended from 25 countries, including China, Korea, Japan and ex-patriot communities in the USA. They heard seminars on starting and running Alpha courses in Chinese.
Pastor Eddie Ma reported that Alpha had been instrumental in growing his Baptist church in Hong Kong from 300 to 1,500 members. Eddie comments: ‘The people who come through Alpha get filled with the Holy Spirit. They are very mission-minded.’
Birmingham University (UK) reported: [24] After returning from Rome, Nicky Gumbel said:
‘ It was a great honour to be presented to Pope John Paul II, who has done so much to promote evangelisation around the world. We have been enormously enriched by our interaction with
Catholics in many countries.
It is a great privilege to meet inspiring leaders from different parts of the church – Catholic, Baptist, Salvation Army, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Methodist, and so much more – and discover that what unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us.
Here are some eyewitness accounts.
[1] http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/changingface.html
[2] http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/quotes.html
[3] http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/healthyself.html
[4] http://www.theceec.org/html/history_of_convergence
[5] http://www.eauk.org/theology/key_papers/loader.cfm?csModule
[6] http://etheses.bham.ac.uk/183/1/Au08PhD.pdf
[7] http://www.fulcrum-anglican.org.uk/news/2003/20030930
[8] http://ukapologeticslibrary.net/hope-2008-and-j-john/
[9] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Charismatic_Renewal
[10] http://www.religion-cults.com/spirit/charismatic.htm
[11] vineyardindex
[12] http://www.vineyardgainesville.org/whatwedo/vli/index.html
[13] http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/Laugh1.html
[14] http://books.google.com/books?id=TnVj53uZVjkC&pg=PA179&lp
bdvkSoXKNcry-Qbu9J3JCQ&sa=X&oi=book_ result&ct=
[15] http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/divinationfindsfurther
[16] http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/charismaticultism.html
[17] http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/KJCVINEY.HTM#Inner
[18] http://www.discernment-ministries.org/TheTorontoDeception.htm
[19] http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress.com/2008/08/02/r-t-kendall-jackie-pullinger-to-to-appear-with-john-paul-jackson/
[20] http://www.alpha.org.hk/eng/people/churchleaders.htm
[21] http://www.ad2000.org/gcowe95/gcowe4p1.html
[22] http://www.alpha.org.hk/E-News/E-News_Oct09_Full_EN.htm
[23] http://uk.alpha.org/files/uk/AlphaPartnersReport.pdf
[24] http://etheses.bham.ac.uk/66/1/Owen07PhD.pdf
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