Hope Together 2014 – False Ideas



Hope Together 2014 – False Ideas

[1] Hope Together this year carries on with the idea of Redeeming Communities, which is all part of Canterbury and Rome’s joint venture for the UK as a part of Global Evangelisation.

Some of these initiatives already started and have included cleaning rubbish from the River Bollin, Beer & Carols in a local Pub, Days of Kindness, a Santa Fun Run, Music while you shop in one of England’s biggest shopping Malls, the Global Day of Prayer, Litter picking, a Free car wash, clearing up derelict areas (clearing up gardens and public spaces, scrubbing off graffiti, re-painting walls and re-planting gardens and flower beds) to make them tidy and look nice, Free Fun afternoons, Adopting a Train Station, Running Alpha Courses so that people can explore Christianity, Egg Rolling, Face Painting, Balloons and polishing people’s shoes.

All this is done in order to try and persuade people that “church” isn’t boring and that Jesus is the missing ingredient that will make their lives happier and fulfilled.

It falsely gives luke-warm Christians the idea that they are doing something more positive than “preaching at people” a message that they perceive as being condemnatory, judgemental and out of touch with the real needs and aspirations of modern society!

Hope Together is about promoting Christianity as something positive in the world and that through Christianity people will find God. The hope is that through this they can reverse the trend of church absence that has become all too familiar for the past 50 years.

Of course this may have some success in attracting some people to start “attending church” however New Testament teaching is quite clear that people will not come to God by such means, and that Jesus Christ is NOT the missing ingredient in our lives!

The Bible is quite clear that people are separated from God because of sin and that the only way they can come to God is NOT via Church OR Christianity, but by Jesus Christ alone!  The ONLY way that people can be brought to saving faith is by the preaching of the message of the Gospel, that people must repent and believe the truth concerning Jesus Christ.  Anything short of this is NOT Biblical.


[1] Document under hope 2014 Ideas


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  • This is not a promotion of the Star of David, we give recognition, support to the Jewish people and for the nation of Israel. http://www.letusreason.org/Juda9.htm