The Christian Foundation and the Mission Partnership: Leading Children Astray
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 (AKJV)
“For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; not in the lust of concupiscence.”
As parents who genuinely care about the welfare of our children, choosing the right creche goes beyond convenience. It requires thorough research, including Ofsted reports, user reviews, and ethical considerations. In my case, I turned my attention to Childcare Pathways in Milton Keynes. This creche, located at Foundation House (the headquarters of MK Christian Foundation and Mission Partnership), is an arm of the Christian Foundation. As a parent and a Born-Again Christian, I am deeply concerned and cannot recommend Childcare Pathways.
Sexual Education: A Betrayal of Christian Values
The Bible draws a compelling analogy: a tree with rotten roots cannot bear good fruit. Unfortunately, the root attached to Childcare Pathways is Mission Partnership, and its outreach arm, MK Christian Foundation. Since 2010, I have been raising awareness of MK Christian Foundation’s unbiblical practices, which include hosting weekly sessions with Brook. Brook is a charity that profits from teaching children graphic and inappropriate sexual behaviours, including sodomy, oral-anal pleasure, and how to avoid anal discharges. This ‘Sexual Pleasure Training’ is proudly facilitated by the Christian Foundation under the same roof as the creche.
The Link to Abortion and Infanticide
Brook’s agenda extends beyond undermining God’s moral law; they promote a denial of the truth that God created us male and female (Matthew 19:4). Furthermore, Brook provides children with referrals to abortion services at the nearby Community Foundation, which also happens to be Brook’s landlord.
Abolition Society: Exposing the Ties to Abortion
Since 2010, the Abolition Society has been exposing the unholy alliance between the Christian Foundation, the Community Foundation, and Brook. These organisations are involved in perpetuating the destruction of innocent lives, including facilitating the abortion of over 1,560 babies annually at the Community Foundation’s premises. The financial support for these activities comes from taxpayers, with grants often funding these disturbing initiatives.
Stephen Norrish: Ties to Abortion and Infanticide
Stephen Norrish, Co-Director of MK Christian Foundation, is also a trustee at MK Community Foundation. This dual role makes it difficult to separate the two foundations, both of which are complicit in the destruction of life. In addition, the Christian Foundation has accepted a grant of £4,520 from the Community Foundation, which, in part, funds the very abortion facility where 1,560 babies are killed each year. The Scriptures warn that “thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous” (Exodus 23:8).
Hypocrisy and the Betrayal of Christ’s Image
The Christian Foundation has betrayed the sanctity of life, accepting financial support from the very entities that profit from the slaughter of unborn children. Jesus commanded that Christians should be “peculiar people, circumcised in their hearts, set apart for God,” but instead, MK Christian Foundation’s association with Brook has led children astray, teaching them to engage in fornication, adultery, and child murder.
A Call for Repentance
I urge the leaders of the Christian Foundation, the Community Foundation, and Brook to repent of their involvement in these immoral acts. The Bible warns against walking in the vanity of the mind and the darkness of the heart, which leads to immorality and greed (Ephesians 4:17-19). The love of money, which fuels these heinous activities, is indeed the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10).
Conclusion: A Call for Moral Integrity
Hebrews 13:4 reminds us that “marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” The Christian Foundation’s partnership with abortion providers and its endorsement of morally corrupt teachings, such as Brook’s sexual education, is a betrayal of Christian values. As Christians, we must stand firm against these practices and seek to protect the sanctity of life and the dignity of God’s creation.